Dear Student,

This course is scheduled to be retired on Aug 30, 2024.  You may continue using this course; however, we highly suggest moving to the new, updated course. Note: This course is similar and taught by a different teacher.

NOTICE: This is an older course recorded with Adobe Connect and/or Vimeo recordings. We are currently working to replace the recordings with new Zoom recordings.  Please don't hesitate to email us at with any questions.

How to Get the Most Out of An Introduction to the Catholic Faith: The Didache, Part I, with Christopher Zehnder

1. Go over the assigned reading before or after listening to the recording.

2.  Listen to the recorded class, which covers the main points of each reading and gives added insights into the period studied. Students might take notes – this is a good exercise in developing a skill that will be of use in college.

3. If there are any questions, please feel free to contact the course presenter and author of Light to the Nations II, Christopher Zehnder, at

Total Classes: 12

Prerequisite: None

Suggested Grade Level: 9th to 12th grade

Suggested Credit:  1 full semester Theology

Instructor: Christopher Zehnder, MA

Course Description: This class would explore basic Catholic doctrines about God and Christ, following the Nicene Creed. It would discuss the call to holiness, God's existence, divine revelation, the Trinity, man's creation, original sin, the Incarnation, the Paschal Mystery, the Holy Spirit and his work, and the Church, and the Resurrection of the Body.

Course Materials: Introduction to Catholicism, by the Rev. James Socias; part of the Didache series published by the Midwest Theological Forum and Ignatius Press.

Homework: Students read assigned portions of the text, Introduction to Catholicism. The student will have two tests each semester, graded by the instructor.