
How to get the most Out of Personal Finance:

  1. The most important thing for this class is to read the book and watch the videos. 
  2. Read the chapter, and try to answer the questions without looking back at what you have read, then go back and check with the reading. 
  3. When you watch the video, I will be giving the answers to all of the sections, so it is important that you have it all done before watching the videos. 
  4. Then, when you watch the video, take notes in the margin about things that are now clear, and things you want to practice in your real life.  This is a life long learning class, so don’t limit yourself to just doing the book work.  I have included many activity videos, so do all of the activities for greater understanding.

Total Classes: 12

Prerequisite: 8th Grade Math

Suggested Grade Level: 9th to 12th grade

Suggested Credit: 1 full semester Math or Finance

Instructor: Jean Hoeft, MA

Instructor Biography: Jean Hoeft has been a math and algebra teacher for 23 years. She has a BA from the University of Michigan and a MA from Marygrove University. Jean has taught the confirmation class at her Catholic parish for 28 years. She loves gardening, sudoku puzzles, raising chickens, reading, knitting, and everything Catholic

Course Description: Everyone needs math, and will use it in their personal life.  This course is geared towards learning how to manage your money, how to invest, the dangers of debt, building wealth and saving for college, bargain shopping, insurance and real estate mortgages.  This class is for every high school student, whether they are going to college or work after high school.  Everyone needs to know how to live a debt free existence.

Course Materials: Dave Ramsey, Foundations in Personal Finance High School Edition for Homeschool, ISBN:978-1-936-94819-2 


Homework: A student should spend approximately 5 hours on homework each week.