NOTICE: This is an older course recorded with Adobe Connect and/or Vimeo recordings. We are currently working to replace the recordings with new Zoom recordings.  Please don't hesitate to email us at with any questions.

Dear Student,

This course is scheduled to be retired on Nov 30, 2024.  You may continue using this course; however, we highly suggest moving to the new, updated course.

 Please check out the Live courses here:
Total Classes: Six
Duration: 55 minutes
Prerequisite: Complete reading of The Everlasting Man by G. K. Chesterton before the first day of class

Suggested Grade Level: 9th to 12th grade

Suggested High School Credit: ½ semester credit for Literature or English

Instructor: Joseph Pearce

Course Description:  The Everlasting Man is G. K. Chesterton’s classic work of Catholic Apologetics. The book's thesis is ultimately that the Incarnation is central to an understanding of history. Chesterton takes on the claim that man is simply the product of evolution, arguing that Christianity provides the True explanation for the genesis and purpose of human life. Chesterton wrote the book as a rebuttal to popular author H.G. Wells, whose secularist The Outline of History was influential at the time (1920’s). As Dale Ahlquist, president of the American Chesterton Society, says, “Of all of Chesterton’s literary monuments, this is perhaps his greatest, for he eloquently and concisely packs the whole human story between the covers of one book.” In this course, we will unpack that story and study it together over six classes.

The Everlasting Man is arguably the best and most important of Chesterton's books. In order to maximize their experience of this course students should read the reading assignment for each class, prior to the class, and then, after the class, re-read those passages specifically referenced in class and cited in the Class Notes. This will enable the student not only to understand the book but also to excel in the weekly class quizzes.  

Course Outline:

Class one: Part I, chapters 1-3

Class two: Part I, chapters 4-6

Class three: Part I, chapters 7-8

Class four: Part II, chapters 1-2

Class five: Part II, chapters 3-4

Class six: Part II, chapters 5-6

Homework: Completing the assigned reading for each class; taking six quizzes. Estimated homework time each week: 3 hours.