Sign up today to discover the most exciting story in all of the Bible - David, Saul, and Jonathan! We’ll also learn how the Old Testament points to Jesus Incarnate!

Total Classes: 6

Duration: 45 minutes
Prerequisite: None
Suggested Grade Level: 6th to 8th Grade

Suggested Credit: ½ semester Literature or Theology

Instructor: Kevin O’Brien

Instructor email:

Course Description: The story of King David in the Old Testament is the most exciting adventure story in all of the Bible! And it shows how God the Father was preparing the way for the Savior who was to come a thousand years after David - Jesus Christ. In this course, we’ll study (through Scripture, literature, and art) David’s story and we’ll see how Jesus becomes the “Son of David” at the Incarnation. This is one of the most thrilling stories ever told: there are giants and battles, shepherds and kings, betrayal and close friendships - and all of it prepares the People of God for Our Savior!

Course Outline:

Class One: Background
Class Two: Samuel and Saul
Class Three: David and Goliath / David and Saul
Class Four: Saul Persecutes David
Class Five: David as King: Victory and Sin
Class Six: Absalom Persecutes David

Course Materials: Handouts in the form of PDF files are provided FREE by the instructor. Each student should have a Bible of any translation. We will look at a variety of translations in class.

Homework: Reading, occasional quizzes and a Final Exam, all auto-graded on Moodle. Expect about two hours of homework per week.