Total Classes: 14 Classes plus 12 pre-recorded

Duration: 55 minutes live classes, 10-20 minutes for recorded lessons

Prerequisite: Students should have already been introduced to fractions and should be able to perform basic math operations (adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing).

Suggested Grade Level: 6th grade (advanced 5th graders welcome)

Suggested Credit: One full semester Math

Instructor: Emily Nardozzi, M.Ed.

Course Description: Middle School Math 1 covers fractions, decimals, integers, data analysis, algebraic expressions and equations, functions and inequalities, using formulas, and surface area and volume in a way that will be easy to understand and will provide a strong foundation for the coming math courses.

Course Outline:

Class One: 1.1 – 1.4: Divisibility, Prime Factors, Powers and Exponents

Class Two: 1.5 – 1.8: Order of Operations, Variables and Expressions, Solving Equations, Area of Rectangles

Class Three: 2.1 – 2.4: Frequency Tables, Bar Graphs/Line Graphs, Circle Graphs, Predictions

Class Four: 2.5- 2.8: Stem-and-Leaf Plots, Mean, Median, Mode, and Range, Analyzing Graphs

Class Five: 3.1 – 3.5: Representing Decimals, Comparing/Ordering Decimals, Rounding Decimals, Estimating Sums and Differences, Adding and Subtracting Decimals

Class Six: 4.1 – 4.3: Multiplying/Dividing Decimals

Class Seven: 4.4 – 4.6: Dividing Decimals, Perimeter, Circumference

Class Eight: 5.1 – 5.3: Greatest Common Factor, Simplifying Fractions, Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions

Class Nine: 5.4 – 5.7: Least Common Multiple, Comparing and Ordering Fractions, Writing Decimals as Fractions and vice versa

Class Ten: 6.1 – 6.3: Rounding Fractions and Mixed Numbers, Estimating Sums and Differences, Adding/Subtracting Fractions with like Denominators

Class Eleven: 6.4 – 6.6: Adding/Subtracting Fractions with Unlike Denominators, Adding/Subtracting Mixed Numbers

Class Twelve: 7.1 – 7.2: Estimating Products, Multiplying Fractions

Class Thirteen: 7.3 – 7.5: Multiplying Mixed Numbers, Dividing Fractions and Mixed Numbers

Class Fourteen: 7.6 & Review: Sequences

Course Materials: Mathematics: Applications and Concepts, Course 1, Student Edition (Glencoe Mathematics), 2006 Edition. We recommend purchasing the book used as they can be found for as little as $0.99 plus s/h: (click on Used).

Homework: 3-4 lessons per week with 10-20 homework problems per lesson, 2 short quizzes per week, and a chapter test approximately every other week.