Instructor Access (optional grading support) for Unlimited Access families is available for this course!

The Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles are a two-volume unit that should be read together to really see how the life of Christ sheds light on the early Church, and how the early Church sheds light on the life of Christ! Register for this course today and dive into the adventures that Saint Luke carefully recounts, seeing how they apply today - in a culture very much like the one Saint Luke lived in!

How to get the most out of Luke and Acts: Saint Luke's Narrativewith Holly Vaughan:

  • First, read the course materials below before the first class meeting.

  • Then have a notebook ready and available for class notes each live session.

  • Read assignments before class meetings

  • Watch that week’s recording if you need to revisit information from our live session.

  • Do the assignments, quizzes, and any extra work assigned for that week.

  • Once the course is completed to the parent's and professor’s satisfaction, there is a Certificate of Completion at the end to be filled in for your records.

Special notes: Includes a writing component. If you’d like a full year of Scripture studies, follow with The Eucharist in the Gospel of John with Mrs. Vaughn in the Spring semester.

Total classes: 14

Duration per class: 55 minutes

Prerequisite: None

Suggested grade level: 9th to 12th grade

Suggested credit: One full semester Theology or Scripture

Instructor: Holly Vaughan

Instructor email:

Course description: The connection between the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles can sometimes get lost when we are studying Scripture. They are a two-volume work written by Saint Luke the Evangelist that, when read together, open up insights into the life of Christ and the Early Church that are not clear any other way. Saint Luke offers us a view into the life of Christ and the Church that is unique to him and of great benefit to us. These works contain many beloved parables of Jesus not found anywhere else, and first-hand accounts of the adventures of Peter and Paul as the Church began. We will also look at some unique things that Luke focuses on that no other Gospel writer does, such as the importance of meals in the ministry of Jesus and the role of the women who followed him. Students taking this class will gain a more holistic view of how Christ and the Church are intricately connected.

Course outline:

Session One: The Role of the Gospel Writers

Session Two: The Gospel of Luke Chapters 1-2

Session Three: The Gospel of Luke Chapters 3-4

Session Four: The Gospel of Luke Chapters 5-9:50

Session Five: The Gospel of Luke Chapters 9:51-13:21

Session Six: The Gospel of Luke Chapters 13:22-19:27

Session Seven: The Gospel of Luke Chapters 19:28-22:38

Session Eight: The Gospel of Luke Chapters 22:39-24:53; The Acts of the Apostles Chapter 1:1-11

Session Nine: Acts of the Apostles Chapters 1:12-5:42

Session Ten: Acts of the Apostles Chapters 6:1-8:3

Session Eleven: Acts of the Apostles Chapters 8:4-12:24

Session Twelve: Acts of the Apostles Chapters 12:25-18:28

Session Thirteen: Acts of the Apostles Chapters 19:1-22:29

Session Fourteen: Acts of the Apostles Chapters 22:30-28:31

Course materials: The Case for Jesus; Dr. Brant Pitre; ISBN-13: 978-0770435486.

Any Catholic Bible - the recommended edition is the ESV Catholic edition published by the Augustine Institute, which can be found here: Also try for used books.

Homework: The reading each week will consist primarily of Scripture readings. Homework will be a mix of weekly quizzes and writing assignments. There will also be a paper assignment and a final exam.