Drama is exciting and learning about Drama is even more exciting! Join professional actor and playwright Kevin O’Brien as he leads us through a brief survey of the History of Drama, showing how Drama expresses and enlightens the Human Spirit!


Total Classes: 12

Prerequisite: None

Suggested Grade Level: 7th to 8th grade

Suggested Credit: One full semester of English or Drama.


Instructor: Kevin O'Brien


Course Description: From its beginning in ancient Greece and from its inception in England in the context of the liturgy, drama has always been about man's relation to God (or "the gods").  This survey course will examine some of the great works of drama and comedy, focusing on how dramatic art grapples with the question of the meaning of life and the revelation of God in the human heart.


Course Outline:

  1. Class One: An Overview of Theater from Ancient to Modern Times

    Class Two: Tom Thumb
    Class Three: A Tale of Mystery and Professor Palladium 

    Class Four: A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen
    Class Five: A Doll's House pt. 2

    Class Six: Modern Catholic Drama

    Class Seven: The Surprise by G.K. Chesterton

    Class Eight: The Surprise pt. 2

    Class Nine: Rhinoceros by Eugene Ionesco 

    Class Ten: The Little Saint of the Poor by Kevin O'Brien

    Class Eleven: The Little Saint of the Poor pt. 2

    Class Twelve: Conclusion and Review


Course Materials: Will be provided free by the instructor in the form of PDF's and eBooks; scenes from filmed versions of the plays will be shown during class time.


Homework: Each play should be read before that week's discussion of it.  Frequent short quizzes, consisting of multiple-choice and essay questions. This should take no more than 3 to 4 hours per week.

Answer Keys: No answer key is required for this course, as quizzes are automatically graded by Moodle. Essays can either be graded by the instructor (if instructor access is purchased) or parents can grade essays themselves.