Master first year High School Latin skills through grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation –  start high school Latin with a confidence that improves your English vocabulary, grammar, test scores, and more.


Special Notes: This is Part One of a two-part course.

Total Classes: 12


Duration: 55 minutes per class

Prerequisite: None

Suggested Grade Level: 9th to 12th grade

Suggested Credit: One full semester Latin or Foreign Language

Instructor: Emily Henry

Instructor Email:


Course Description: Throughout this twelve-week course, students will focus on learning Latin grammar and vocabulary. They will explore both Classical and Ecclesiastical pronunciations. Quizlet and other materials supplemented by the instructor will be utilized to encourage good study habits. The textbook, Wheelock’s Latin, will be our overarching guide for the course. 

Course Outline:

Class One: Getting Started

Class Two: Pronunciation, Vocabulary

Class Three: Verb Endings

Class Four: Verbs Continued

Class Five: Noun Endings

Class Six: More Nouns

Break: Midterm Exam

Class Seven: Second Declension

Class Eight: Adjectives

Class Nine: Sum, Esse

Class Ten: Imperfect and Future

Class Eleven: Esse & Posse

Class Twelve: Review and Final Exam

Course Materials: Wheelock's Latin 7th Edition, ISBN: 0061997226 ( or Other materials are supplemented free by the instructor.

Homework:  Students will have homework assignments, quizzes, and exams that will reinforce the material covered in this course. Students can expect to spend 30 minutes a day on their homework. In addition to homework, students will be encouraged to study Latin for at least fifteen minutes each day for mastery of both vocabulary and grammar.