Register for this course with Catholic apologist Gary Michuta to learn the top-three Protestant objections to Catholic teaching. You’ll learn the biblical foundations of our Faith and how to charitably defend it.

To get the most out of this course with Gary Michuta:

  1. Make sure that you take the time to understand each lesson even if it means rewinding the parts of the class, that are unclear and watching them again until it makes sense. I also suggest that you take the time to re-read the passages of Scripture that are given and their surrounding context so that you are familiar with what they say. Doing the online quizzes are also helpful.
  2. I also suggest that you take the time to re-read the passages of Scripture that are given and their surrounding context, so that you are familiar with what they say.
  3. The online quizzes are also helpful.

Total Classes:  7

Duration per class: 55 minutes

Prerequisite: Introduction to Apologetics (available through Unlimited Access), or equivalent.

Suggested Grade Level: 9th to 12th grade

Suggested Credit: ½ semester Apologetics or Theology. For a full credit, add another theology course or add the optional reading list provided by the instructor.

Instructor: Gary Michuta

Instructor Email:

Course Description: Three areas that Protestants will most likely attack and Catholics are least prepared to answer are questions concerning salvation, justification, and Purgatory. This class will help prepare students to understand these subjects and to competently explain and defend the Faith against its detractors.

Course Outline:

  • Class 1: Why are these topics so important to Protestants?
  • Class 2: Understanding Justification
  • Class 3: Answering Protestant objections for Justification.
  • Class 4: Salvation Issues: What are the major points of conflict?
  • Class 5: Answering Protestant objections concerning Salvation
  • Class 6: The biblical and historic roots of the doctrine of Purgatory
  • Class 7: Answering Protestant objections to Purgatory from its existence to indulgences.

Course Materials: Students need a Catholic Bible (or access to an online Bible) and something with which to take notes. The instructor will provide an additional reading list for the students (and parents!) who want to learn more.

Homework: Each class will have a multi-choice quiz. There will also be a final exam to review material from the semester. Quizzes and the exam are automatically graded by the computer so that students have immediate feedback. Parents give the final grade. Students will be encouraged to review the material and practice the responses.