Sign up for Part Two and continue to hone your skills in American Sign Language!

How to get the most out of American Sign Language: Level 1, Part 2 with Marlana Weber:

  • First, read the course materials below before the first class meeting.

  • Then have a notebook ready and available for class notes each live session.

  • Read assignments before class meetings

  • Watch that week’s recording if you need to revisit information from our live session.

  • Do the assignments, quizzes, and any extra work assigned for that week.

  • Once the course is completed to the parent's and professor’s satisfaction, there is a Certificate of Completion at the end to be filled in for your records.

Special notes: This is Part Two of a two-part course. 

Total classes: 13

Duration per class: 55 minutes
Prerequisite: Completion of Level 1, Part 1
Suggested grade level: 9th to 12th grade

Suggested credit: One semester ASL or Foreign Language. Note: ASL meets many states’ requirements for foreign language. Part One and Part Two of this course combined are the equivalent of one full year of foreign language.

Instructor: Marlana Weber

Instructor email: 

Course description: This is a first year course for those who would like a foundation in communicating with American Sign Language (ASL). We will follow the format of Dawn Sign Press’s “Signing Naturally” series. Topics revolve around sharing information about ourselves and our environment. Grammar is introduced in context, with an emphasis on developing question and answer skills. You will learn strategies to help you maintain a conversation. Interactive activities will reinforce what you’ve learned. A conversational curriculum requires you to be an active learner. Come prepared to sign with the instructor and your classmates. Spring Semester will cover Units 3, 5, & 6. 

Course outline: 

Week 1 Locations & Communication

Week 2 Directions, Expressing Needs

Week 3 Time, Transportation, Numbers

Week 4 Everyday Activities & Calendars

Week 5 Agreement Verbs

Week 6 Household Chores

Week 7 Errands

Week 8 Activities with Others, Parts of the Day

Week 9 Activities with Others, Parts of the Day

Week 10 Storytelling: "Timber"

Week 11 Storytelling: "The Gum Story"

Week 12 Storytelling: "The Gallaudet & Clerc Story"

Week 13 Storytelling: Childhood Stories

Course materials: This is the same book used in the fall semester. 

Signing Naturally Units 1-6, Student Set ISBN: 978-1-58121-210-5
(12-month Video Library access is included with the purchase of every set.)
Try for a used copy. The textbook is not required but highly recommended and will be used for the full year.

Homework: Weekly practice of the signs and conversations covered in the course, watching online videos of signing (one to three hours per week), automated quizzes, and optional homework practice from Student Workbook.