Learn the foundational skills of Geometry -- including two- and three-dimensional shapes, lines, rays, and figures in a plane -- and use deductive and analytical reasoning, logic, and problem solving with clear illustrations of all equations.

Total classes: 14

Prerequisite: Geometry: Seeing, Doing, Understanding, Part One or equivalent
Suggested grade level: 9th to 11th grade
Suggested credit: One full semester Math or Geometry

Instructor: Monica Breier

Instructor email: breiermm@gmail.com

Course description: This course continues the rigor of developing logical reasoning and critical thinking through proofs and constructions. Students will focus this semester on sharpening their deductive reasoning strategies to understand area, similarity, circles and polygons, solids, and discuss non-Euclidean geometry. They will continue to hone their cognitive skills necessary for logical thinking as young adults.

Course outline:

Week 1: Area
Week 2: Similarity
Week 3-4: The Right Triangle
Week 5-6: Circles
Week 7-8: The Concurrence Theorems
Week 9-10: Regular Polygons and the Circle
Week 11-12: Geometric Solids
Week 13-14: Non-Euclidean Geometries

Course materials: Geometry: Seeing, Doing, and Understanding by Harold Jacob, ISBN 0716743612 or 1683442547 (https://amzn.to/2Py3Zat or bookfinder.com), compass, protractor, ruler, graph paper, and a scientific calculator.

Homework: Daily assignments (aside from test days) taking 20-30 minutes, with weekly quizzes or tests.