Instructor: Sharon Hamric-Weis, B.S.ED, J.D.

Course Description: This course continues literary analysis of written and cinematic works and their accompanying writing assignments to strengthen your student’s critical thinking, literary analysis, and upper-level writing skills. Using movies as well as published works, students study structure, character development, scene, setting, plot, and theme – with the purpose of preparing for the study of literature at the college level. Students will view movies biweekly with a parent or on their own in order to discuss the elements of literature. On alternate weeks, class discussion will focus on selected texts only, while employing critical thinking skills. This high-interest course continues your student’s ability to enhance critical thinking, analysis, and writing skills using classical works – while enjoying learning the same time.

Course Outline:

  • Class 1: Analyzing Quo Vadis

Part I -- Scene and setting presented in the movie

  • Class 2: Analyzing Quo Vadis

Part II -- Comparison of scene and setting from movie to book

  • Class 3: Analyzing Gulliver’s Travels

Part I -- Theme presented in the movie

  • Class 4: Analyzing Gulliver’s Travels

Part II -- Comparison of theme from movie to book

  • Class 5: Analyzing A Tale of Two Cities

Part I -- Plot and conflict presented in the movie

  • Class 6: Analyzing A Tale of Two Cities

Part II -- Comparison of plot and conflict from movie to book

  • Class 7: Analyzing Ben Hur

Part I -- Character development presented in the movie

  • Class 8: Analyzing Ben Hur

Part II -- Comparison of character development from movie to book

  • Class 9: Analyzing Great Expectations

Part I -- Plot twist

  • Class 10: Analyzing Great Expectations

Part II -- Comparison of plot twist from movie to book

  • Class 11: Analyzing Les Miserables (1982 version)

Part I -- Character arc

  • Class 12: Analyzing Les Miserables

Part II -- Comparison of character arc from movie to book

Course Materials: Students will access available movies and books on their own or through resources provided. Because some of the classic works are secular, parents may wish to pre-screen the cinematic version and fast-forward through any potential sensitive material. All analysis will be filtered through the faith-based, Catholic perspective.

Homework: Your student should expect to spend an estimated three to four hours for homework outside of class time, depending on the student’s ability. Homework includes reading, viewing films, automated quizzes on odd weeks, and short essay assignments (1 to 2 pages) on even weeks. To increase your student’s skills, the instructor grades writing assignments with direct feedback. It is recommended that students begin familiarizing themselves with the books before the first day of class, since there is substantial reading in this course. Week 11 may be used as a catch-up period at the instructor's discretion, and the focus of Week 12 may be limited to discussion of the movie Les Miserables only.