Continue learning with this high school Advanced Conversational Spanish course, gaining an understanding of the Spanish grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation that allows you to speak the language. For college bound students or those who want a fluid ability to speak Spanish to others at home and abroad.

Total Classes: 12

Prerequisite:  Advanced Conversational Spanish, Part One

Suggested Grade Level: 9th to 12th grade

Suggested Credit: One full semester Spanish or Foreign Language

Instructor: Nanci Lopez

Instructor email:

Course Description: In this course, students will continue to review previously learned grammar and vocabulary through short conversations, role playing, and the development of short stories in order to sharpen their speaking and listening skills.  They will further develop their reading and writing skills through the reading of articles and short stories, which will be discussed as a group in class in Spanish.  By the end of this course, students will be able to comprehend and maintain short conversations based on real life situations through the expansion of vocabulary and grammar.

Course Outline:

Section 1: Topic of discussion - A Typical Day; Review Reflexive Verbs and Commands
Section 2: Topic of discussion - The Present vs The Past; Introduce Prepositional Pronouns
Section 3: Topic of discussion - News / Newspaper; Review Prepositional Pronouns
Section 4: Topic of discussion - Grandparents; Introduce Direct Object Pronouns
Section 5: Topic of discussion - Working & Studying; Review Direct Object Pronouns
Section 6: Topic of discussion - Chosen by Students; Review Direct Object Pronouns; Introduce Indirect Object Pronouns
Section 7: Topic of discussion - Money & Profession; Review Indirect Object Pronouns
Section 8: Topic of discussion - How to be More Intelligent; Review Indirect Object
Section 9: Topic of discussion - Importance of Knowing a Language; Introduce Double Object Pronouns
Section 10: Topic of discussion - Influence of Music; Review Direct, Indirect, and Double Object Pronouns
Section 11: Topic of discussion - Family & Fun; Review Double Object Pronouns
Section 12: Topic of discussion - Summer & Future Plans; Review Double Object Pronouns

Course Materials: All course materials provided free by the instructor.  A Spanish/English dictionary is recommended, as well as a notebook or binder.

Homework: Students will be expected to spend about 3 to 5 hours studying per week outside of weekly classes. This is not meant to discourage students. Simply put, repetition is key when learning any new language. Audio files will be expected to be turned into the teacher.