Archaeology offers a unique perspective on human history and culture – where, how, and when people lived. In this course, students will come to better understand the Ancient world through archaeology and by examining patterns and changes over time.

Total classes: 13

Duration per class: 55 minutes
Prerequisite: None

Suggested grade level: 9th to 12th grade. No middle school students please. Note that this course may be challenging for students who struggle with reading. The textbook is somewhat technical and introduces a lot of terminology very specific to the discipline. Decent aptitude for reading is highly recommended.
Suggested credit: One full semester Ancient History, World History, or Archaeology

Instructor: Phillip Campbell

Instructor email:

Course description: This course will introduce students to the basic concepts of archaeology, one of the most important disciplines in the study of history. Archaeological principles will be discussed and demonstrated in case studies of some of the world's most famous ancient sites. Students will put their learning to work by writing a paper on an archaeological site of their choosing.

Course outline:

Class 1: Foundational Principles
Class 2: Earth Movers
Class 3: The World of Pottery
Class 4: Dolmen and Megaliths
Class 5: Cut Stone Masonry
Class 6: Ancient Burials
Class 7: Epigraphy
Class 8: Jewelry and Metalwork
Class 9: Ancient Weaponry
Class 10: The Tells of Canaan
Class 11: Catal Huyuk
Class 12: Mohenjo Daro
Class 13: A Visit to Crete

Course materials:  Archaeology Essentials: Theories, Methods, and Practice (2nd edition, ISBN 9780500289129) by Colin Renfew; online resources also provided FREE by the instructor. Please note: This course is being taught in two tracks, one for upper classmen and one for lower classmen. The textbook will only be required for 11th-12th graders, who will have different assignments than 9th-10th grade. If your student is in 9th-10th grade, you do not need to purchase the textbook. If you believe your 9th-10th grader has above-average reading skills, feel free to have them use the textbook, but it is not mandatory. Again, the textbook is only required for 11th-12th graders.

Homework: Weekly readings from the textbook, quizzes, and a paper assignment (graded by the instructor). Estimated two to three hours weekly. Textbook readings should be completed prior to each lecture.