Sign up today for Economics as if People Matter to get a holistic view of economics and how your future depends upon making sound, reasoned economic decisions. Your knowledge of economics will play a role in your life as a donor, consumer, investor, borrower, employee or business owner, and voter.

Special notes: Includes a writing component.
Total classes: 12

Duration per class: 55 minutes
Prerequisite: None
Suggested grade level: 9th to 12th grade. No middle school students please.
Suggested credit: One full semester Economics

Instructor: Phillip Campbell

Instructor email:

Course description: This course is geared toward providing young people with a holistic approach toward economic principles based on five objectives: (1) introducing students to basic economic principles such as supply and demand, competition, etc.; (2) studying and the life and thought of eminent economists; (3) introducing principles of personal financial management (budgeting, frugality, etc.); (4) looking at economic problems through a Catholic perspective; (5) critically examining current economic problems

Course outline:

Class 1: Fundamental Questions
Class 2: The Economy
Class 3: Supply and Demand
Class 4: Employment
Class 5: Property
Class 6: Taxation and U.S. Tax System
Class 7: The Stock Market
Class 8: Currency and Banking
Class 9: The Federal Reserve
Class 10: Keynesian Economics
Class 11: Alternative Economic Systems
Class 12: International Trade

Course materials: The Worldly Philosophers by Robert Heilbroner (please acquire the 7th edition, ISBN 978-0684862149).

Homework: Homework consists of moderate reading (30-50 pages per week), essay questions, and four quizzes. Quizzes are automated for immediate feedback.