Headed to college? Take this must-have course to
master the skills of essay writing for tests in a timed setting -- and
be completely prepared for college-level essay tests.

Coll 1 photo

How to get the most out of Essay Test Mastery for College-Bound Students (COLL-1) with Erin M. Brown, MA, MFA:

  • First, read the course materials below before the first class meeting.

  • Then have a notebook ready and available for class notes each live session.

  • Read assignments before class meetings

  • Watch that week’s recording if you need to revisit information from our live session.

  • Do the assignments, quizzes, and any extra work assigned for that week.

  • Once the course is completed to the parent's and professor’s satisfaction, there is a Certificate of Completion at the end to be filled in for your records.

Total Classes: 8
Duration: 55 minutes


Required: High School Essential Writing 1-4 (HS 9-1, 9-2, 9-3, & 9-4).

Because this is an advanced course that assumes your student has key writing foundations and the advanced writing how-to's in place that are specifically taught at Aquinas Writing Advantage (AWA), 9-1 through 9-4 writing courses are required prerequisites. 

Students may take the prerequisites in Unlimited Access recording or LIVE.  An alternative to the prerequisite: a passing assessment from the Aquinas Writing Advantage Assessment service. Please contact homeschoolconnections@gmail.com for any questions on permissions.

Suggested Grade Level: 9th to 12th grade

Instructor: Erin M. Brown, MA, MFA (aka author EB Conroy/Erin Brown Conroy)
Instructor Email: ebconroy@homeschoolconnections.com

Course Description: Master in-class essay tests with this how-to course with practical, prescriptive, clear direction on how to decipher a prompt, think and process the instructions clearly, quickly brainstorm an answer, and write an essay in a linear narrative format with few errors -- to “show the teacher what you know” with style. Learn essay writing secrets from Professor Brown’s 20 years of college-level teaching and college writing course curriculum development at three universities. Come prepared to write -- and to enjoy writing!

Course Outline:

  • Class 1:  The Timed Essay Writing Process: The Goal of an Essay, Types of Essays, and What’s So Special About Timed Essays?

  • Class 2: Analyzing and Using the Prompt: The Set-Up, Question, and Action

  • Class 3: Analyzing and Using the Prompt: Using Keywords and “Diamond Words”

  • Class 4: The Writing Process: Brainstorming with “The Big 10” When You Have to Work Fast (How to Brainstorm Quality Content)

  • Class 5: The Writing Process: Arranging and Ordering Content for Clarity and Power

  • Class 6: Writing Essays about Course Content (texts, readings, class materials, and experiences) Tips on Studying and Remembering Content for Essay Questions

  • Class 7: Writing Essays About (and With) New Ideas: Synthesis

  • Class 8: Writing Essays for College Entrance Exams: The Dynamic Narrative Essay; Must-Do Essay Tips for Success

Course Materials: All materials are provided FREE by the instructor. Students must have the ability to turn in assignments in Microsoft Word format (either through purchasing Word or using Google Docs or another format, then downloading the document into Word format before uploading it into the grading system).

Homework: Written assignments are given each week. The average weekly time estimate for homework (including both brainstorming and writing time) is two (2) to five (5) hours, depending on the student’s abilities.