Using Classical Academic Press’s General Biology (Novare Series), we will combine up-to-date science with a Catholic worldview. The textbook starts at the atomic level and progresses to ever larger scales: cells, genes, microorganisms, plants, animals, and human organ systems. The final chapters survey ecology and the theory of evolution.

Total Classes: 14

Duration per class: 70 minutes

Prerequisite: Biology with Lab, Part One
Suggested Grade Level: 9th to 12th grade

Suggested Credit: One full semester Science or Biology with Lab

Instructor: MacBeth Derham

Instructor Email:

Course description: For Part Two, we will continue to increase the scale of our study of biology, identifying and classifying life from viruses to humans, the organs and organ systems of humans, and conclude with ecology and evolution. We continue to use the Novare method—learn, master, retain—as the goal for students in this course for the study of Biology. This course prepares students for ACT/SAT science. Students are expected to take notes during class and ask questions. Notes will help with weekly quizzes, as quizzes are open book.

Course outline:

Week 1: Taxonomy
Week 2: Viruses
Week 3: Prokaryotes
Week 4: Protists
Week 5: Fungi
Week 6: Plants Part 1
Week 7: Plants Part 2
Week 8: Invertebrates
Week 9: Chordates
Week 10: Brawn and brains—Musculoskeletal and nervous systems
Week 11: Circulation, Respiration, Digestion
Week 12: Kidneys and excretion; Reproduction
Week 13: Ecology
Week 14: The theory of evolution

Lab sequence: (Note: Labs are alternate weeks; Labs will require purchase of specimens for dissection.)

1. Bread Mold: We get to grow our own mold colony on a slice of bread!
2. Crayfish: Identify the external and internal anatomical features of a typical crustacean.
3. Perch: Observe the external and internal features of the fish and their relationship to one another.
4. Clam: Locate the external and internal features of the clam and be able to explain their purpose.
5. Eye: Explore the structure and function of the bovine eye.
6. Frog: Dissection giving the student an overview of organ systems of complex living things.
7. Worm: Investigate basic anatomy and simple organ systems.

Course materials: General Biology 1st ed. by Rogstad and Ayala from Novare ISBN: 9781732638433
PLUS the bovine eye:
Lab booklet for purchase at:

Homework: Expect to spend approximately two-plus hours each week outside of the classroom on vocabulary study, reading, and quizzes. Vocabulary is assigned alongside the weekly reading for better understanding of the material and to prepare the student for the live lecture. Most of the computer-graded quiz material is based on vocabulary and what is presented in class. The sequence of events for each week is as follows:
1. Read the assigned chapter(s)
2. Write the provided vocabulary words in your notebook
3. Come to class
4. Take the weekly computer-graded quiz
Labs to be completed on alternate weeks will require 1-1½ hours.