Could the events in Star Wars really happen? Join us to find out! In this class, we will explore the space travel, weapons, armor, aliens, droids, and other elements of this classic franchise to find out which (if any) modern science could make possible. Perhaps, that galaxy isn’t so far, far away after all!

Total class meetings: 8

Duration of each class: 55 minutes

Prerequisite: None

Suggested grade level: 8th to 11th Grade

Suggested credit: 2/3 semester Science

Instructor: Inshal Chenet

Instructor Email:

Course description: Star Wars has inspired children for generations. In this class we will be capitalizing on that inspiration, showing how interesting Star Wars phenomena can be understood scientifically, and what  recent and upcoming inventions relate to the tech seen in Star Wars!

Course outline:

Space Travel
Spaceship Designs
Types of Planets
Humans in Star Wars

Course materials: Readings will be provided free.

Homework: Each day the students will read a provided assignment and take a short 2-3 question quiz to show they understand the material.