How to get the most out of Henle Latin: Second Year, Part Two with Debbie Gaudino, MA:

  1. Read the attached course policy document carefully. 
  2. Have the required textbooks
  3. Take good notes, correct your homework and translations during each class
  4. Participate 
  5. Study, study, study
  6. Have fun!

Total Classes: 12

Duration: 55 minutes per class

Prerequisite: Henle First Year Latin, Part Three. Students who wish to join the class midyear will need to request special permission from the instructor.  If students have not taken Latin with Homeschool Connections, they will need a score of 80% or higher on the required entrance exam. (Email for exam. There is a small administrative fee.)

Suggested Grade Level: 9th to 12th grade

Suggested Credit: One full semester Latin

Instructor: Debbie Gaudino, MA

Instructor Email:

Course Description: This course is equivalent to a second-year intermediate-level Latin course. Throughout this twelve-week course, students will continue to learn Latin grammar and vocabulary. They will explore both Classical and Ecclesiastical pronunciations. Quizlet and other materials supplemented by the instructor will encourage good study habits. The textbook, Henle First Year Latin, will be our overarching guide for the course.

Course Outline:  

Week 1: Review
Week 2: Unit 8, Lesson 29: The Passive Subjunctive
Week 3: Unit 9, Lesson 30: The Present Participle Passive
Week 4: Unit 9, Lesson 31: Hic, Haec, Hoc
Week 5: Unit 9, Lesson 32: Prepositions
Week 6: Review and Midterm Exam
Week 7: Unit 9, Lesson 33: Ille and Is
Week 8: Unit 9, Lesson 34: Ablative Constructions
Week 9: Unit 10, Lesson 35 & 36: Possum & Numerals
Week 10: Unit 12, Lesson 39: Accusative and Infinitive Constructions
Week 11: Unit 12, Lesson 40/41: Comparison of Adjectives. Deponent Verbs.
Week 12: Review for Final Exam

Course Materials: Henle First Year Latin, ISBN-10‏: ‎0829410260 ( and Henle Latin Grammar ( Students need to have a functioning headset with a microphone.

Homework: Students will spend one to two hours on average per week on their homework in addition to classroom time.