Continue to learn the beautiful language of the Church, improve your vocabulary, SAT/ACT scores, and English grammar with this dynamic Latin course.

How to get the most out of Henle Latin: First Year, Part Two with Debbie Gaudino, MA:

  • Have all required course material BEFORE our first class meeting
  • Have a notebook just for Latin class 
  • Have a working mic and headset/earbuds 
  • Complete all homework assignments on time 
  • Fully participate in each class.

Total Classes: 12

Duration: 55 minutes per class

Prerequisite: Henle First Year, Part One live or recorded (or the equivalent). If students have not taken Latin with Homeschool Connections, they will need a score of 80% or higher on the required entrance exam. (Email for exam. There is a small administrative fee for the exam.)

Suggested Grade Level:  8th to 12th grade

Suggested High School Credit: One full semester Latin or Language

Instructor:  Debbie Gaudino, MA

Instructor email:

Course Description: Throughout this twelve-week course, students will focus primarily on verbs and pronouns. They will learn all four verb conjugation forms in the present and perfect systems. They will focus primarily on the active voice with a brief introduction to the passive voice. Students will also explore the various uses of the ablative case and will be introduced to personal pronouns. This course will continue to teach students how to identify and recognize the patterns found in the language to make mastery more attainable. Students will meet weekly in an engaging online environment. Students will not only learn Latin but also have fun while they learn! This course will explore both Classical and Ecclesiastical pronunciations. Quizlet and other materials supplemented by the instructor will encourage good study habits. The textbook, Henle First Year Latin, will be our overarching guide for the course.

Course Outline:

Week One: Unit Three, Lesson 9 - First and Second Conjugations, Present Tense

Week Two: Unit Three, Lesson 9 & 10 - First and Second Conjugations - Imperfect and Future Tense

Week Three: Unit Three, Lesson 11- Personal Pronouns

Week Four: Unit Three, Lesson 11- Reflexive Pronouns

Week Five: Unit Three: Lesson 12- Third Conjugation - Present, Future, Imperfect

Week Six: Unit Three: Lesson 13 - Fourth Conjugation - Present, Future, Imperfect

Week Seven: Unit Three - Lesson 14 - Sum, esse in the present, future, and imperfect

Week Eight: Unit Three: Lesson 15 - The perfect, pluperfect, and future perfect

Week Nine: Unit Five: Lesson 17 & 18 - The Present Passive System of First and Second Conjugation; Ablative of Agent and Ablative of Means

Week Ten: Unit Five: Lesson 19 & 20 - The Present Passive System of third and fourth conjugation; Ablative of Accompaniment

Week Eleven: Review

Week Twelve: Review & Final Exam

Course Materials:  Henle First Year Latin, ISBN-10: ‎0829410260 ( and Henle Latin Grammar ( A working microphone is required for this course.

Homework: Students will have homework assignments, quizzes, and exams that will reinforce the material covered in this course. Students can expect to spend 30 minutes a day on their homework. In addition to homework, students will be encouraged to study Latin for at least fifteen minutes each day for mastery of both vocabulary and grammar.