Join this high school course for young women (grades 10-12), and help your daughter understand her beauty and personal worth in the eyes of God; the importance of cultivating virtues; how to build healthy friendships and vocations; and how an intimate connection with Jesus makes us truly beautiful.

Special notes: This course for young women is offered in two forms: for middle school and for high school. This is the high school course. The middle school course is offered on the same days but a different time. There is similar content taught in both courses, but at age-appropriate levels. True Radiance! Discovering Your Authentic Beauty as a Young Woman with Lisa Mladinich complements the High School Boys to Men course with Bill Donaghy for the young men.

Instructor: Lisa Mladinich

Course Description: This course is an introduction to the rich teachings of the Catholic Church on beauty and femininity for girls in high school. In a culture that often degrades femininity and causes confusion for girls about true beauty, a healthy body image, and a positive process of maturing, the Catholic understanding of beauty is truly a Godsend. Based on the instructor's best-selling book, True Radiance: Finding Grace in the Second Half of Life, the students will come to understand their own beauty and worth in the eyes of God, as well as the importance of cultivating virtue, healthy friendships, and an intimate connection with Jesus in their souls.

Course Outline:

  • Class 1: TRUE BEAUTY – How the Church defines beauty; how beauty helps us access the intangibles of God; how God speaks through beauty; reasons that girls and women are so attuned to beauty; some of the falsehoods of our culture concerning beauty—and how to resist them

  • Class 2: TRUE FEMININITY – How Catholicism treasures femininity; the Blessed Mother as a role model; the feminine genius; feminine strengths and weaknesses; combating sin through cultivating virtue; what femininity means to you

  • Class 3: HEALTHY MODESTY – An overview of the theology of the body; our inherent dignity as daughters of God; modesty as a sign of goodness; honoring and protecting what is sacred; reverencing the gift of life; the connection between purity and love; becoming a savvy consumer of media; ways to be stylish and modest at the same time

  • Class 4: HEALTHY FRIENDSHIPS – The purpose of friendships; self-donation as a core ideal; virtuous friendships; how to be a friend and how to have wonderful friendships that last a lifetime; friendships with the saints and Holy Souls; cultural pressures on friendship

  • Class 5: LIVING OUT MERCY – True freedom through the gift of mercy; living a lifestyle of forgiveness and acceptance; the healing power of the Eucharist and Reconciliation; preparing our souls for heaven; prayer commitments that bear lasting fruit sacrifice as a pathway to joy

  • Class 6: OUR CALLING, OUR VOCATIONS – Changing the world by keeping our eyes on heaven; praying for our future companions (spouses, friends, colleagues, sisters in religious life); taking leadership roles; diligence in education; seeking ways to serve; reverence in worship and prayer; Sacred Scripture and a Lectio Divina outlook; understanding the importance of God's individual call to our hearts; respect for the vocations of others

Course Materials: All materials are included FREE in this course. Materials include excerpts from the instructor’s book; materials on the lives of the saints; documents of the Church; and other relevant resources.

Homework: Weekly readings and assignments with grading and direct feedback from the instructor. Expect an estimated one to two hours per week for homework outside of class time.