Plato’s philosophy has left an indelible mark on the development of Western civilization. His accounts of justice, knowledge, virtue, and the soul inform nearly every subsequent discussion of these matters, influencing thinkers as divergent in aim as St. Augustine and Sigmund Freud. In this course, we will explore some of the central elements of Plato’s philosophy: the scope of human knowledge, the nature of the soul, and the demands of justice.
Total class meetings: 8
Duration of each class: 50 minutes
Prerequisite: No prerequisites
Suggested grade level: 11th and 12th grade
Suggested credit: ½ semester Philosophy or Platonic Philosophy
Instructor: Sam Nicholson, PhD
Instructor Email:
Course description: In this course, we will read through several of Plato’s dialogues, and we will explore his treatment of justice, the soul, knowledge, and virtue. This class will involve a heavy reading component and will require no less than one to two hours of reading per day. There will be three short reading tests, a mid-term, and a final test at the conclusion of the semester.
Course outline:
Class 1: Introduction, Euthyphro
Class 2: Euthyphro (continued)
Class 3: Phaedo
Class 4: Phaedo (continued)
Class 5: Meno
Class 6: Meno (continued)
Class 7: The Republic
Class 8: The Republic (continued)
Course materials: It is recommended that you purchase the Hackett edition of Plato: Five Dialogues, ISBN-13 978-0872206335. All materials will be primary source writings of Plato, which are available free from online sources.
Homework: Homework will consist in doing the primary source readings and keeping pace with the lecture. The readings are dense and challenging, and they will require careful attention and in some cases re-reading. There will be three quizzes testing for adequate comprehension of the reading materials, and to ensure compliance with the course schedule. An answer key is provided.
- Teacher: Sam Nicholson