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Studying the lives of the saints bears many fruits. The saints remind us to live lives of hope and joy in knowing Jesus Christ. Join us in this course to learn what it is like to live out the gospels through the lives of the Irish saints.
Total class meetings: 6

Duration of each class: 55 minutes

Prerequisite: None

Suggested grade level: 7th – 12th Grade
Suggested credit: ½ semester Theology

Instructor: Debbie Gaudino, MA

Instructor Email:

Course description: In this course students will be introduced to the life, times, and spirituality of St. Patrick and other Irish saints. Through a series of 10 life lessons, students will be challenged to apply the teachings of St. Patrick and the other Irish saints to their own lives.
Course outline:

Day 1:
St. Patrick: Background and Early Life
Life Lesson 1: God Writes Straight with Crooked Lines

Day 2:
St. Patrick: Captivity in Ireland
Life Lesson 2: Love Your Enemies
Life Lesson 3: Trust in the Lord

Day 3:
St. Patrick: Freedom and Return to Ireland
Life Lesson 4: Perseverance in Studies
Life Lesson 5:  Be a “Prisoner of the Spirit”

Day 4:
St. Patrick’s Life of Prayer
Life Lesson 6: Put on the Armor of God Daily
Life Lesson 7: Share Your Faith Simply

Day 5:
St. Bridget
Life Lesson 8: Give Generously
Life Lesson 9: The Power of the Cross

Day 6:
St. Columban
Life Lesson 10: Bless me Father, for I Have Sinned
Course materials: The Confession of Saint Patrick translated by John Skinner ISBN - 10: 0385491638. Free Kindle version available. There are several free audio versions of the book available. Students are welcome to either listen or read.

Homework: Homework each day will include approximately 20 pages of reading/listening from The Confession of St. Patrick, along with a short 1-2 paragraph essay response. There will be a final 2-page reflection paper due at the conclusion of the class.