Dive into Water this summer! Water is not just a refreshing way to cool off, it’s the molecule which moves mountains, quenches thirst, dissolves chemicals, and behaves in weird ways. This course includes 4 quick lectures and simple at-home labs demonstrating the wonders of water.

Total class meetings: 4

Duration of each class: 45 minutes

Prerequisite: None
Suggested grade level: 6th to 8th grade
Suggested credit: 1/3 semester Lab Science

Instructor: MacBeth Derham
Instructor Email: macbethderham@gmail.com

Course description: Each class will include an informative discussion of water through the lens of one of the four sciences commonly studied in high school, followed by easy lab instructions to demonstrate the concepts introduced in class.

Course outline:

Day 1: Geology, water on earth
Day 2: Biology, water and life
Day 3: Chemistry, water up close
Day 4: Physics, water is weird!

Course materials: Common items found in the home or market (e.g.: balloon, dried beans, sand/soil…); readings and lab forms provided by the instructor.

Homework: Through short and easy demonstrations and pre-set forms, students will write quick lab reports on the properties of water across 4 sciences. Students who have never written a lab report will find this a great way to ease into standard scientific writing.