Introduce yourself to the beautiful language of the Church and improve your vocabulary, SAT/ACT scores, and English grammar with this dynamic Latin course.

How to get the most out of Henle Latin First Year, Part One with Mrs. Gaudino:

  • Have all required course material BEFORE our first class meeting
  • Have a notebook just for Latin class and bring it with you to each live class
  • Have a working mic and headset/ear buds 
  • Fully participate in each class 
  • Use the checklist in Moodle each week to stay organized and complete all your assignments

Special Notes: Due to the popularity of this course, it is offered twice this year. Choose the day and time that works best for your family homeschool. This is Part One of a two-part course. Students are expected to register for Part Two for the spring.

Course Description: Throughout this twelve-week course, students will be introduced to the first five noun declension forms, the rules for adjectives, foundational verb forms, and numerous vocabulary words. This course will teach students how to identify and recognize the patterns found in the language to make mastery more attainable. Students will meet weekly in an engaging online environment. Students will not only learn Latin, but also will have fun while they learn! This course will explore both Classical and Ecclesiastical pronunciations. Quizlet and other materials supplemented by the instructor will be utilized to encourage good study habits. The textbook, Henle First Year Latin, will be our overarching guide for the course.

Course Materials: Henle First Year Latin, ISBN-10:‎ 0829410260 ( and Henle Latin Grammar ( Students need to have a functioning headset with a microphone.

Homework: Students will have homework assignments, quizzes, and exams that will reinforce the material covered in this course. Students can expect to spend 30 minutes a day on their homework. In addition to homework, students will be encouraged to study Latin for at least fifteen minutes each day for mastery of both vocabulary and grammar. 

Course Outline: 

Week One: Unit One, Lesson 1.1, 1.3, 1.4. Nominative and Accusative Cases, Third Person Verbs
Week Two: Unit One, Lesson 1.5 – The Genitive Case. The genitive, ablative, dative, & vocative Cases
Week Three: Unit One, Lesson 2.1-2.4. Second Declension and Neuter
Week Four: Unit One, Lesson 2.5-2.6. Sum, Esse + Quod
Week Five: Unit One, Lesson 3. Third Declension
Midterm Exam
Week Six: Unit One, Lesson 4. Fourth Declension
Week Seven: Unit One, Lesson 5. Fifth Declension
Week Eight: Review of Unit One. Review
Week Nine: Unit Two, Lesson 7. Adjectives of First and Second Declension
Week Ten: Unit Two, Lesson 8. Adjectives of Third Declension
Week Eleven: Mastery Review Vocabulary No. 1 (Units One and Two)
Week Twelve: Review of Units One and Two
Final Exam

Grade Breakdown:

  • Automated HW Assignments:  20%
  • Quizzes: 60%
  • Exams: 20%

Course Logistics:

Total Classes: 12 

Duration: 55 minutes

Prerequisite: None

Suggested Grade Level: 9th to 12th grade

Suggested High School Credit: One full semester Latin