Sign up today to study how Scripture supports the papacy, to gain better understanding of papal infallibility; and explore Catholic history.

How to get the most out of Apologetics: Peter and the Papacy (Defending Our Faith Series) with Gary Michuta: 

  • First, read the course details below.

  • Prepare a notebook for note-taking and homework.

  • Students begin the course by clicking on the "Recording" and watching the instructor's lecture for Class One.

  • Complete the Week One Activities.

  • If you need review, go back and watch the recording again and/or go over the Powerpoint.

  • Repeat until all classes are complete.

  • Once the course is completed to the parent's satisfaction, there is a Certificate of Completion at the end to be filled in for your records. Homeschool Connections does not provide record keeping.

Total Classes: 8

Duration: 55 minutes

Prerequisite: None

Suggested Grade Level: 9th to 12th grade.

Suggested High School Credit: 2/3 semester Apologetics or Theology. Add Mr. Michuta’s recommended reading list for a full semester.

Instructor: Gary Michuta

Instructor Email:

Course Description: It is more important than ever to be able to explain the papacy to non-Catholics and clear up many of the misunderstanding and misinformation offered on the internet and mainstream media. In this course, we will go through the Old Testament background concerning the government of God's People, the New Testament evidence for the primacy of Peter, the papacy, and the often misunderstood teaching of Papal Infallibility. We will also learn how to address and answer many of the most common objections raised against the Papacy from a biblical and a historical perspective. 

Course Outline: 

Class 1: The Old Testament foundation for the Papacy 
Class 2: Matthew 16:16-19 - The foundations of the Papacy 
Class 3: Examining the New Testament Evidence for the Primacy of Peter and the Papacy 
Class 4: The Papacy in History: Historical Evidence for the Primacy of Rome 
Class 5: What is Papal Infallibility - Biblical Evidence 
Class 6: What is Papal Infallibility - Historical Cases 
Class 7: Answering Common Objections 
Class 8: Answering Common Objections / Mock Dialogues 

Course materials: All required course materials are provided FREE by the instructor. 

Recommended but not required: 

Upon this Rock: St. Peter and the Primacy of Rome in Scripture and the Early Church (Modern Apologetics Library) [Ignatius Press, 1999], 

Peter: Keeper of the Keys with Stephen Ray (DVD, Footprints of God series) [Ignatius Press], 

Homework: Short reading assignments plus weekly multiple-choice quiz. There will also be a final exam to review material from the semester. Quizzes and exams are automatically graded by the computer so that students have immediate feedback. Students should review the material and practice the responses. Parents assign the final grade. Students can expect to spend at least 30 minutes outside of class per week on homework.

Sign up today to study how Scripture supports the papacy, to gain better understanding of papal infallibility; and explore Catholic history.

How to get the most out of Apologetics: Peter and the Papacy (Defending Our Faith Series) with Gary Michuta: 

  • First, read the course details below.

  • Prepare a notebook for note-taking and homework.

  • Students begin the course by clicking on the "Recording" and watching the instructor's lecture for Class One.

  • Complete the Week One Activities.

  • If you need review, go back and watch the recording again and/or go over the Powerpoint.

  • Repeat until all classes are complete.

  • Once the course is completed to the parent's satisfaction, there is a Certificate of Completion at the end to be filled in for your records. Homeschool Connections does not provide record keeping.

Total Classes: 8

Course dates Fridays, September 15 to November 10, 2023. (No class Nov. 3)

Starting time: 10:00 AM Eastern (9:00 Central; 8:00 Mountain; 7:00 Pacific)

Duration: 55 minutes

Prerequisite: None

Suggested Grade Level: 9th to 12th grade.

Suggested High School Credit: 2/3 semester Apologetics or Theology. Add Mr. Michuta’s recommended reading list for a full semester.

Instructor: Gary Michuta

Instructor Email:

Zoom Link:

Course Description: It is more important than ever to be able to explain the papacy to non-Catholics and clear up many of the misunderstanding and misinformation offered on the internet and mainstream media. In this course, we will go through the Old Testament background concerning the government of God's People, the New Testament evidence for the primacy of Peter, the papacy, and the often misunderstood teaching of Papal Infallibility. We will also learn how to address and answer many of the most common objections raised against the Papacy from a biblical and a historical perspective. 

Course Outline: 

Class 1: The Old Testament foundation for the Papacy 
Class 2: Matthew 16:16-19 - The foundations of the Papacy 
Class 3: Examining the New Testament Evidence for the Primacy of Peter and the Papacy 
Class 4: The Papacy in History: Historical Evidence for the Primacy of Rome 
Class 5: What is Papal Infallibility - Biblical Evidence 
Class 6: What is Papal Infallibility - Historical Cases 
Class 7: Answering Common Objections 
Class 8: Answering Common Objections / Mock Dialogues 

Course materials: All required course materials are provided FREE by the instructor. 

Recommended but not required: 

Upon this Rock: St. Peter and the Primacy of Rome in Scripture and the Early Church (Modern Apologetics Library) [Ignatius Press, 1999], 

Peter: Keeper of the Keys with Stephen Ray (DVD, Footprints of God series) [Ignatius Press], 

Homework: Short reading assignments plus weekly multiple-choice quiz. There will also be a final exam to review material from the semester. Quizzes and exams are automatically graded by the computer so that students have immediate feedback. Students should review the material and practice the responses. Parents assign the final grade. Students can expect to spend at least 30 minutes outside of class per week on homework.