Are you saved? Do Catholics worship Mary? Is Catholicism biblical? Prepare your student with answers to these questions and more! Note: We expect this course to fill and close quickly. Therefore, we recommend registering early.
How to get the most out of Introduction to Catholic Apologetics for High School Students with Gary Michuta:
First, read the course materials below before the first class meeting.
Then have a notebook ready and available for class notes each live session.
Read assignments before attending class meetings.
Watch that week’s recording if you need to revisit information from our live session.
Do the assignments, quizzes, and any extra work assigned for that week.
Once the course is completed to the parent's and professor’s satisfaction, there is a Certificate of Completion at the end to be filled in for your records.
Total Classes: 12
Duration: 55 minutes
Prerequisite: None
Suggested Grade Level: 9th to 12th grade
Suggested Credit: One full semester Apologetics or Theology.
Instructor: Gary Michuta
Instructor Email:
Course Description: Are you a high school student who wishes to learn what's involved in defending the Faith? This course introduces high school students to the major areas in the field of apologetics, what's involved in preparing yourself to defend the Faith, and different ways of sharing the Faith. [This course is for high school students who have NOT taken the Middle School Beginning Apologetics course.]
Course Outline
Week 1: The Three Major Fields of Apologetics
Week 2: Using Common Authorities - Logical Fallacies and Arguments 1
Week 3: Using Common Authorities - Logical Fallacies and Arguments 2
Week 4: Using Scripture in Apologetics
Week 5: Learning Key Proof texts - Papacy, Sacraments
Week 6: Learning Key Proof Texts - Mary and other doctrines
Week 7: Introduction to the Early Church Fathers
Week 8: How to Share Your Faith - Apologetic Postures
Week 9: What is Propaganda?
Week 10: How to Prepare to Defend the Faith
Week 11: Using the Web for Apologetics Research
Week 12: Using What You've Learned
Course Materials: Provided FREE by the instructor. An optional reading list will also be provided for students (and parents!) who want to learn more. Students need to make sure they have a working microphone.
Homework: Each class will have a multiple-choice quiz. There will also be a final exam to review material from the semester. Quizzes and the final exam are automatically graded by the computer so students have immediate feedback. Students will need to review the material and practice the responses.
- Teacher: Gary Michuta