Learn the skills of Algebra 2, including equations and inequalities, interval notations, functions, graphing, correlation and causation, and more. With the personal attention and Catholic worldview supporting your student, develop critical thinking skills and problem solving needed to complete the Algebra requirement with success.

How to get the most out of  Algebra 2 (Glencoe), Part One with Monica Breier:

  • First, read the course materials and "Complete before Week 1 Checklist" below before beginning week 1.

  • Have a notebook, pencil, and graphing calculator ready and available for live class and video lesson.

  • Stay on top of assignments! Each video will begin assuming completion of the day before's task(s).

  • Do the assignments, quizzes, and any extra work assigned for that week.

  • Use the weekly checklist for the order of assignments and assessments.

This is Part One of a two-part course. Students are expected to sign up for Part Two in the spring semester.

Special Notes: This is Part One of a two-part course. Students are expected to register for Part Two in the Spring 2024 semester. Mrs. Breier provides daily recorded lectures for remaining weekly lessons in addition to the 14 live classes..

Total Classes: 14

Duration: 55 minutes

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Algebra 1 or equivalent and Geometry (Geometry can be taken concurrently)

Suggested Grade Level: 10th to 12th grade

Suggested Credit: Full semester math credit

Instructor: Monica Breier

Instructor Email: breiermm@gmail.com

Course Description: Beginning with a brief review of Algebra 1, this course quickly explores more advanced algebra in equations, relations, and functions. Students will visualize what functions truly mean through graphing and solving applied real-world scenarios.

Course Outline:

  • Week 1: Preparing for Advanced Algebra

  • Week 2-4: Linear Equations

  • Week 5-6: Relations and Functions

  • Week 7-8: Quadratic Functions

  • Week 9-11: Polynomials and Polynomial Functions

  • Week 12-14: Inverses and Radical Functions, Review

Course Materials: Glencoe Algebra 2 2017 edition (print edition ISBN 9780079039903, one-year digital subscription available ISBN 9780078985218 – please contact Mrs. Breier at minimum 10 business days before the beginning of the course if you are interested in the digital copy), graphing calculator (TI-84 plus or similar), straightedge, protractor, and compass.

Homework: Daily assignments (aside from test days) taking 30 minutes, with weekly quizzes or tests occurring every week.