Hone your writing and critical thinking while mastering over 350 vocabulary words from college and graduate word lists and Advanced Placement (AP) writing, and learn top study skills for remembering vocabulary (and more!). 



Note: This is Part One of a 2-part course. Each part can be taken independently or together, in any order; however, your student may prefer taking Part 1 before Part 2.

How to get the most out of the Vocabulary and Writing, Part One (HS 10-1) course with Professor Erin M. Brown (AKA Erin Brown Conroy/E.B. Conroy)

  • Read the course details below.
  • Prepare a notebook for notetaking and homework. Students -- be sure to take notes during class!
  • Students, begin the course by:
    • LIVE CLASS Students - Coming to the first live Class session on the scheduled date and time.
    • Unlimited Access / Recorded Students - Clicking on the "Recording" and watching Professor Brown’s lecture for Class One.
  • Review any supplemental materials (videos or readings)
  • Complete any Quiz(zes) or homework assigned. The computer will automatically grade the quizzes.
    • *Note* If taking the course in Recorded format, the quiz will reset if someone else in the family takes it, so make sure the grade is recorded by a parent.
  • If you need review, watch the recording and/or go over the PowerPoint again.
  • Repeat until all 14 classes are complete.
  • Once the course is completed to the parent's satisfaction, there is a Certificate of Completion at the end of this page (to be filled in for your records). Homeschool Connections does not provide record keeping

Total Classes: 14
Suggested grade level: 10th grade or high school students who meet the prerequisite requirements
Suggested credit: One (1) full semester Vocabulary & Writing, Writing, or English
Prerequisites: Required: High School Essential Writing 1: Punctuation and Grammar I (HS 9-1) and High School Simplified Writing 1: Strong Foundational Writing Skills (HS 9-2) 

Recommended: High School Essential Writing 2: Excellent Paragraph and Essay Writing (HS 9-3) and High School Simplified Writing 2: Beyond the Five-Paragraph Essay (HS 9-4).

Prerequisites can also be taken as a recorded course through Unlimited Access. An alternative to the prerequisite: a passing Punctuation & Grammar Assessment (only) from the Aquinas Writing Advantage Assessment service.

Course Description: In this course (the first of two successive courses), your student will learn over 350 upper-level vocabulary words related to writing that are needed for high school advanced writing, Advanced Placement (AP) English Language and Composition courses, the ACT and SAT, advanced writing courses, and all of college writing—and an introduction to the concepts associated with the terms.  Because vocabulary is the number one indicator of success on college entrance testing, if you want your student to not only score well on testing but also be able to be prepared for college writing and vocabulary, this course is for you. Coursework will be focused on the critical thinking and writing practice needed for your future success, and each week, you’ll learn tips and how-to’s for learning the words with comprehension and memory, giving you comprehension methods that can be used in any course.

Course Outline:

  • Class 1: Writing for a Purpose and Audience
  • Class 2: Worldview, Critical Thinking, & Passive/Active Voice
  • Class 3: Writing Effective Sentences; Diction & Syntax
  • Class 4: Writing Effective Paragraphs: Structure; Linear Writing; Active writing; Transitions and Connectives
  • Class 5: Punctuation and its Effect on Writing
  • Class 6: Grammar, Usage, & Mechanics for Clarity
  • Class 7: Types of Writing
  • Class 8: Point of View, Tone, & Voice
  • Class 9: Style
  • Class 10: Techniques & Devices of Organization for Coherence
  • Class 11: More Techniques & Devices of Organization
  • Class 12: Composing Methods
  • Class 13: Characteristics of an Effective Argument
  • Class 14: Research Methods

Course Materials: Required Book: EB Conroy’s Simplified Vocabulary Guide may be ordered at http://bookstore.authorhouse.com/Products/SKU-000430970/EB-Conroys-Simplified-Vocabulary-Guide.aspx or http://amzn.to/2FKGXDC. Microsoft Word or the ability to convert a document to a Word-compatible document is required. If you do not own Microsoft Word, you can use a system such as Google Docs that converts to Word documents FREE.

Homework: Students are expected to study for tests on the vocabulary words, for identification and use. Students will take weekly in-system quizzes (graded automatically) and complete weekly writing assignments that make their writing stronger and use the new vocabulary (graded by the instructor).