Learn how to write professional correspondence, resumes, cover letters, critical communications, marketing writing, emails, social media posts, and more – and be prepared with what you'll need in high school and beyond!

Take "Business Writing 2: Foundations of Journalism" with this course, and earn 16 weeks of business writing credit.


business writing photo


How to Get the Most Out of This Course:

  1. Read: Read all of the information here, and skim the course in its entirety before you begin.
  2. Recording: Always begin each lesson by watching the class recording. Click on "Recording" and watch the lecture for Class One.
  3. Notetaking: Prepare a notebook and take complete notes while watching the recording.
  4. Weekly Readings: After the video, check for any readings (documents/downloads or online readings). Always read the week's materials before starting the assignment.
  5. Assignments: Complete the homework in the order that it is listed on the page. Give your assignment to your parent for grading.
  6. Grading: If you'd like personal help with this course, click and get the Instructor Access for one-on-one mentoring, feedback, and grading. 
  7. Review: If you are confused at any time, re-watch parts of the recording for clarity. The PowerPoint is also available for you. 
  8. Continue: Repeat until all classes are complete.
  9. Time Frame: You may work at your own pace. Students are encouraged to complete a minimum of one lesson per week. 
  10. Finishing: Once the course is completed to the parent's satisfaction, there is a Certificate of Completion at the end of the course. Fill in the document for your records. You may also copy and paste the descriptive content of the course (located at the top section of the page). Make sure to record your grades; HSC does not provide record keeping.

Series Description: There are currently two one-semester courses in the Business Writing series. Students can take Business Writing courses in any order.

Total Classes: 8

Prerequisite: High School Simplified Writing 1: Strong Foundational Writing Skills (HS 9-2) Take the prerequisite courses LIVE or through Unlimited Access. Alternative prerequisite: a passing assessment from the Aquinas Writing Advantage Assessment service.

Students should be able to use Microsoft Word competently. Your student will need Word 2007 or a later version or the ability to convert a document to a Word-compatible document.

Suggested grade level: 11th grade; however, all high school students are welcome

Suggested credit: Two-thirds (2/3) semester for writing

Add the composition of your own documents from the coursework to create one (1) full semester’s credit for writing. 

Parent Note: To create a full semester credit, students may add compositions of their own documents. For example, to earn full credit, the student may choose to complete two (2) of the following:

  1. Create two to three different versions of the same resume.

  2. Write an essay on what the student learned in the course and how he/she sees the information applying practically to the future, with examples pertaining to both short-term and long-term goals.

  3. Visit an office or business space to interview a person who uses the tools taught in the course, and then write a paper about the experience.

Instructor: Erin Brown Conroy, MA, MFA

Course Description: Learn how to present yourself professionally in multiple areas of writing! Because business writing is distinctive from academic or creative writing, writing powerfully in your dealings with others in any organization, mastering business writing is essential. In this course, you’ll write letters and professional correspondence, create a professional resume, and write pieces critical to getting a job. Whether you plan on entering college, getting a job right out of high school, or building your own business as an entrepreneur right now, this course is for you.

Course Outline:
Class 1: What is business writing? (Business Writing Overview)
Class 2: Writing business reports (business writing vs. academic writing), entrepreneurial writing, and professionalism in writing for business
Class 3: Writing formal letters: letters of complaint, opinion letters/letters to the editor, and letters of request
Class 4: Resumes: what they’re for, who uses them, and why you need one (writing to get a job)
Class 5: Resumes: your resume’s form, structure, and content
Class 6: Cover letters: what they are and how to write them
Class 7: Marketing writing: what it is, who uses it, and an introduction of how to write a text to sell
Class 8: “Little Writing Tasks” that are really big: social media and business; the business email; inter-office communication including the memo, organizational texts, and agendas; and organizational writing to keep on task

Course materialsAll materials are provided FREE via the instructor.  All documents are turned in as Microsoft Word documents. If you do not own Microsoft Word 2007 or a later version, you can use a system such as Google Docs that converts to Word documents FREE

Homework: Students will have weekly writing assignments with grading and direct feedback from the instructor. Expect an estimated three (3) to four (4) hours per week for homework outside of class time, depending on the student’s ability; homework includes reading, writing, and responding to feedback.