Continue the study of the Medieval world in this intriguing course that explores the era’s culture and its impact on today. Taught through a Catholic lens, you’ll learn the impact of the Church on society.

Total classes: 12

Duration: 45 minutes per class

Prerequisite: MS Medieval History, Part One or equivalent

Suggested grade level: 6th to 9th grade

Suggested credit: One full semester History

Instructor: Inshal Chenet

Course description: In this course we will strive to inculcate Unity, Truth, Goodness, and Beauty.  Our study of the medieval world will especially manifest the depths of culture and community under the direction of the Gospel. We will see how the Church "took gold from Egypt," absorbing and Christianizing truth and goodness from Roman, Greek, and Germanic traditions. It advanced the cause of human dignity, curbed warfare, elevated women, protected the weak, and abolished slavery for the first time in human history. Students will develop in themselves something of this great “medieval synthesis” as well as something of the patience of the Church that knows that lasting and meaningful change is only achieved slowly.

Course outline:

Week 1: Lay Investiture Controversy
Week 2: Concordat of Worms
Week 3: Federick Barbarossa and Thomas a Becket
Week 4: The Crusades
Week 5: Military Orders of Knights
Week 6: Review for Midterm
Week 7: The Inquisition
Week 8: The Flowering of Culture
Week 9: Scholasticism
Week 10: Mendicant Orders
Week 11: The Medieval Synthesis
Week 12: Review for Final

Course materials: The History of the Church: A Complete Course, by Rev. Peter V. Armenio, ISBN: 9781890177461 (

Homework: Each week, students will be required to read a selection from the textbook, and take a short quiz. There is also a midterm and final in this course.