In this course you will advance your critical thinking skills through the analysis of literature and film. Join us as we go deep into the study of literary devices and how they translate into film.

How to get the most out of Book to Film, Part One: Analyzing Film Adaptations of Fantasy and Science Fiction with Sharon Hamric-Weis, B.S.ED, J.D.:

  • Read the course details below.
  • Watch the film the first week and read the book the second week; in certain weeks selected sections are provided, but students may read the entire novel for more depth. 
  • Click on the "Recording" and watch the lecture and class discussion. You will need to also follow the chatbox.
  • Complete the Assignment(s) and self-grading quizzes. Give the assignments to your parent for grading. Please note: Homeschool Connections does not provide record keeping services.
  • Repeat this process until all twelve classes are complete.
  • Once the course is completed to the parent's satisfaction, there is a Certificate of Completion at the end to be filled in for your records.
  • Be sure to access and take the next course in this series, Book to Film Part Two: Analyzing the Classics.
    Please Note: There are two (2) courses currently in the Book to Film series. The Part 2 recording will be updated in May 2020. Students can take either course first. Additional courses may be developed.

    Each of the 12-week courses presents critical information regarding analyzing literary elements through the presentation of films and books. The courses are designed to enhance college-level writing and discussion skills in literature.

This is Part One of a 2-part course. Students are expected to sign up for Part Two in the spring semester.

Total classes: 12

Duration: 55 minutes

Prerequisite: None

Suggested grade level: 11th to 12th grade; 9th to 10th grade students are welcome on the parents’ judgment, since some movies contain mature themes (see list of movies under the Course Outline below).

Suggested credit: One full semester of English, Literature, or Film & Literary Analysis

Instructor: Sharon Hamric-Weis, B.S.ED, J.D.

Instructor email:

Course description: Give your student an enjoyable way to engage in upper-level literary analysis and to advance critical thinking and writing skills through written and cinematic work critique. Using movies and published works, students will study structure, character development, scene, setting, plot, and theme with the purpose of preparing for the study of literature at the college level. Students view movies biweekly with a parent or independently in order to discuss and understand the elements of literature. On alternate weeks, class discussion focuses on the analysis of selected texts, enhancing critical thinking skills with classics in an enjoyable learning setting that digs deep into each concept and teaches the student how to approach upper-level analysis of fiction works.

Course Outline:

Class 1: Analyzing The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Part I -- Character development presented in the movie

Class 2: Analyzing The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Part II -- Comparison of character development from book to movie

Class 3: Analyzing The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Part I -- Scene and setting presented in the movie

Class 4: Analyzing The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Part II -- Comparison of scene and setting from movie to book

Class 5: Analyzing The Hobbit
Part I -- Plot, Conflict presented in the movie

Class 6: Analyzing The Hobbit
Part II -- Comparison of plot and conflict from movie to book

Class 7: Analyzing Ender’s Game
Part I -- Plot development presented in the movie

Class 8: Analyzing Ender’s Game
Part II -- Comparison of plot development from movie to book

Class 9: Analyzing 1984
Part I -- Theme

Class 10: Analyzing 1984
Part II -- Comparison of theme from movie to book

Class 11: Analyzing I Robot
Part I -- Theme presented in the movie

Class 12: Analyzing I Robot
Part II -- Comparison of theme from movie to book

Course Materials: Students will access available movies and books on their own or through resources provided. Because some of the classic works are secular, parents may wish to pre-screen the cinematic version and fast-forward through any potentially sensitive material. All analysis will be filtered through the faith-based, Catholic perspective.

Homework: Your student should expect to spend an estimated three to four hours on homework outside of class time, depending on the student’s ability and commitment. Homework includes reading, viewing films, taking automated quizzes on odd weeks, and completing short essay assignments (1 to 2 pages) on even weeks. Writing assignments are graded by the instructor. It is recommended that students begin familiarizing themselves with the books before the first day of class, since there is substantial reading in this course. Book readings may be adjusted at the instructor’s discretion.