Want to be ready for all of those high-stakes tests in your future? Saxon Advanced Math is just what you need to score well on the SAT and college placement tests. We explore the content of all advanced topics in readiness for calculus.

How to get the most out of Saxon Advanced Mathematics: Pre-Calculus, Part One with Jean Hoeft:

  • Read the course materials below before the first class meeting.

  • Watch the recorded lecture for the current lessons before coming to class.
  • Have a notebook,textbook and calculator ready and available for class notes each live session.
  • Read the lessons for the week before coming to the class meeting each week.

  • Watch that week’s recording if you need to revisit information from our live session.

  • Do the assignments, quizzes, and any extra work assigned for that week.

  • Submit homework before the due date and time to ensure it is not marked late.  Homework and tests are ALWAYS due at 9:00 a.m. the day of class.
  • Once the course is completed to the parent's and professor’s satisfaction, there is a Certificate of Completion at the end to be filled in for your records.

Special Notes: 

This is Part One of a two-part course.

Mrs. Hoeft provides 14 recorded 20- to 30-minute lectures in addition to the 14 live classes.

Total Classes: 14 

Duration: 55 minutes 

Prerequisite: Algebra II and Geometry

Suggested Grade Level: 11th to 12th grade

Suggested Credit: One full semester Pre-Calculus or Math

Instructor: Jean Hoeft, MA

Instructor Email: Jean.Hoeft.forjesus@gmail.com

Course Description: This is a high school level advanced math – pre calculus course.  Students will complete four to five lessons per week with a test every other week. Students must view the recorded lectures before attending class, and then participate in class by working problems when requested and answering questions when called upon. Extra help is offered on Fridays at office hours, and students are encouraged to bring questions to class.

Course Materials: Saxon Advanced Mathematics and Incremental Development, Edition 2, with the test and homeschool pack (www.setonbooks.com/saxon.php), a scientific calculator (TI 30X or the like), graph paper, ruler, protractor, compass, and pencil. Graphing calculators are useful, but not necessary. The instructor will provide a free weekly lecture in addition to the live, interactive classes.

Course Outline:

Week One - Lessons 1-5:

Geometry review of terms; area of figures, volume of prisms and cones; Pythagorean Theorem, triangle inequalities, similar polygons; constructions; Exponents and radicals, complex numbers, areas of similar figures

Week Two - Lessons 6-10

Topics to include: fractional equations, radical equations, systems of three linear equations; inductive and deductive reasoning, logic, contrapositive, converse and inverse; statements of similarity, proportional segments, angle bisectors and side ratios; congruent figures, proof outlines; equation of a line, rational denominators, completing the square

Week Three - Lessons 11-14

Topics to include: circles, properties of circles, quadratic formula; angles and diagonals in polygons, proof of the chord-tangent theorem; intersecting secants, intersecting secants and tangents, products of chord segments, products of secant and tangent segments; sine, cosine, and tangent, angles of elevation and depression, rectangular and polar coordinates, coordinate conversion; assumptions, proofs

Week Four - Lessons 15-18

Topics to include: complex fractions, abstract equations, division of polynomials; proofs of the pythagorean theorem, proofs of similarity; advanced word problems; nonlinear systems, factoring exponentials, sum and difference of two cubes

Week Five - Lessons 19-22

Topics to include: evaluating functions, domain and range, types of functions, tests for functions; absolute value, reciprocal functions; the exponential function, sketching functions; sums of trigonometric functions, combining functions

Week Six - Lessons 23-26

Topics to include: age problems, rate problems; logarithmic form of the exponential, logarithmic equations; related angles, signs of trigonometric functions; factorial notation, abstract rate problems

Week Seven - Lesson 27-30

Topics to include: the unit circle; addition of vectors; symmetry; inverse functions

Week Eight - Lessons 31-34

Topics to Include: Symmetry, Reflections, Translations; Inverse Functions; Quadrilaterals; Summation Notation

Week Nine - Lessons 35-38

Topics to Include: Line as a locus; fundamental counting principle and permutations; radian measure of angles; argument in mathematics

Week Ten - Lessons 39-42

Topics to include: reciprocal trig functions; conic sections; periodic functions; abstract rate problems

Week Eleven - Lessons 43-46

Topics to include: conditional permutations; complex roots; vertical sinusoid translations; powers of trig functions

Week Twelve - Lessons 47-50

Topics to include: the logarithmic function; trigonometric equations; common logs and natural logs; the inviolable argument

Week Thirteen - Lessons 51-54

Topics to include: Unit Multipliers; Parabolas; Circular Permutations; Triangular Areas

Week Fourteen - Review and Semester Exam

Homework: Students will be required to complete four to five lessons per week (15 problems per lesson), and a 20 question test every other week. Students may bring questions to class, but are asked to attempt all work.