How do we know what Jesus taught? Can we trust the Gospels? Whose interpretation is correct? Is it just opinion? This course explains what Jesus taught is what we believe.

Total classes: 10

Prerequisite: Completion of introduction to apologetics or any introduction to Scripture course.

Suggested grade level: High school

Suggested credit: 2/3 semester Apologetics or Theology

Instructor: Gary Michuta

Instructor email:

Course description: This course explains how Jesus formatted his teachings for accurate recall by his disciples. It also explains how the historic Church accurately passed down this information in a way that it could be verified. It will cover issues such as the reliability of the Gospels, how we know our copies of the New Testament are accurate, and how we know we have the correct books in our Bibles.

Course outline:

Week 1 - Something Happened in the First Century
Week 2 - Ancient Techniques for Passing on Information
Week 3 - More Than A Rabbi
Week 4 - The Hebrew Gospels
Week 5 - Evidence of Formatting for Recall in the Gospels
Week 6 - Evidence of Formatting for Recall in the Gospels, continued
Week 7 - The Dare to Verify
Week 8 - Verifying the Correct Interpretation
Week 9 - How Do I Know My Bible Is Correct?
Week 10 - Apologetics Defending Scripture and Tradition

Course materials: Message Received: How We Can Know What Christ Really Taught by Gary Michuta [Emmaus Road Publishing]. Expected publication date in the Fall 2022.

Homework: Students will have approximately 20 pages of assigned reading each week. Each class will have a short multiple-choice quiz.