Register for this course with Catholic apologist Gary Michuta to go deep in the study of Jesus as Messiah, supported by biblical prophecy and history.

Total classes: 7

Prerequisite: The student has completed Introduction to Apologetics (middle or high school) or any Scripture course.

Suggested grade level: 9th to 12th grade

Suggested high school credit: ½ semester Apologetics or Theology.

Instructor: Gary Michuta

Course description: This course will focus on the defense and explanation of Jesus the Messiah. The student will learn the key prophetic passages, Jewish objections to these passages, and the surrounding historical context of Jesus' advent.

Course outline:

Class 1: The Messiah: Son of Joseph, Son of David.
Class 2: The Messiah King
Class 3: The Messiah King and the Virgin Birth (Isaiah 7:14)
Class 4: The Suffering Servant (Isaiah 53)
Class 5: The Divine Messiah
Class 6: The Time of the Messiah and False Messiahs
Class 7: Answering Common Objections

Course materials: We will use Christ in Type and Prophecy (vol. 1-2) by A. J. Maas available free online:
Volume 1 at
Volume 2 at
For additional reading: Michael J. Brown, "Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus: Messianic Prophecy Objections" volume 3. All the information needed will be provided on PowerPoint.

Homework: There will be an auto-graded quiz for each class and selected reading from the A. J. Maas eBook.