In Advanced Catholic Apologetics we learn reasoned argumentation and grow to appreciate the beauty of our Catholic faith. Join us and increase your confidence in defending your faith.

Total classes: 10

Prerequisite: The completion of either Introduction to Apologetics (middle or high school) or Formal Logic.

Suggested grade level: 9th to 12th grade

Suggested high school credit: 2/3 semester credit Apologetics or Theology.

Instructor: Gary Michuta

Course description: Scripture tells us, “Necessity is laid upon me. Woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel.” (1 Cor 9:16) If we believe the Catholic faith to be true, then it is our duty to share it with others. In this course, we will study apologetics in order to address the many misunderstandings about Catholicism and the prejudices that impede others from accepting it as true. In this course we will learn how the Protestant Reformation happened in Europe and England, the major divisions within Protestantism, what are their major objections to Catholicism and how to answer them.

Course outline:

Class 1: Martin Luther and the birth of Protestantism in Germany
Class 2: Justification by Faith Alone, Purgatory (objections, answers, mock dialog)
Class 3: The Birth of Reformed Protestantism (Calvin, Zwingli)
Class 4: Real Presence in the Eucharist / Sacrifice of the Mass / Priesthood (objections, answers)
Class 5: Radical Reformation (Anabaptists / Baptists)
Class 6: Baptism, Confession (objections, answers, mock dialog)
Class 7: The English "Reformation" (Anglican / Episcopalians)
Class 8: Papacy and Apostolic Succession (objections, answers)
Class 9: Non-denominationalism, restoration movements, and mega-churches
Class 10: How to Share and Defend Your Faith Without Making Enemies
Course materials: Revolt Against Reality: Fighting the Foes of Sanity and Truth- from the Serpent to the State by Gary Michuta [Catholic Answers Press, 2021],

Homework: Students will have reading assignments for each class and short multiple-choice automated quizzes to complete.

Reading Assignments: Classes 1-2: read p. 129-168; Classes 3-4: p. 168-171; Classes 5-6: p. 171-184; Classes 7-8: p. 184-217; Classes 9-10: p. 235-251.