Excel in all of learning with this 4-session course! Learn the most important, must-have skills for school success, and find out how to get the highest listening skills for understanding; how to take the best notes from a lecture and from a text; how to listen and read “actively” for greater connection and higher comprehension; the best ways to prepare for a test; how to take timed tests effectively; and more!


How to get the most out of the How to Be an Excellent Student: Note Taking and How to Get an A course with Professor Erin M. Brown (AKA Erin Brown Conroy/E.B. Conroy):


  • Read: Read all of the information here, below. Recorded Course students, please skim the course in its entirety before you begin.
  • Recording: Always begin each lesson with the class instruction/lesson.

-- Recorded course students: Click on "Recording" and watch the lecture for Class One.
-- LIVE course students: Attend class before attempting any of the coursework for the week.

  • Note Taking: Prepare a notebook and take complete notes while attending class! Note taking is very important in this course -- so please do not skip this step!
  • Weekly Readings: After the class, check for any readings (documents/downloads or online readings), quizzes, and activities. Always read the week's materials before starting the week's assignment.
  • Assignments: Complete the homework in the order that it is listed on the page. 
  • Review: If you are confused at any time, re-watch parts of the recording for clarity. The PowerPoint is also available for you. 
  • Continue: Repeat the process until all four (4) classes are completed.
  • Time Frame: All assignments are to be completed before the next class unless noted.
  • Finishing: Once the course is completed to the parent's satisfaction, there is a Certificate of Completion at the end of the course. Fill in the document for your records. You may also copy and paste the descriptive content of the course (located at the top section of the page). Make sure to record your grades; HSC does not provide record keeping.

Total Classes: 4

Prerequisite: None

Suggested Grade Level: 7th to 12th

Suggested Credit: One-third of one semester credit. Add the credits of this course to any six- or eight-week course for a full semester credit. Credits are determined by the weeks and amount of work, so with completing all work for this course and a heavy-work 6-week course or a light-work 8-week course added completes the full semester credit.

Instructor: Erin M Brown (AKA Erin Brown Conroy/E.B. Conroy), M.A, M.F.A.
Instructor Email: ebconroy@homeschoolconnections.com

Course Description: Get the skills to become strong, confident, and able to study for any high school level course with success! This course is a must-have for students who want to make learning and test taking the easiest (and most successful) that it can be. You'll learn the skills of active listening and active reading (what they are and how they work for you), note taking and annotation (for any "live" or online course or learning situation), critical reading skills for comprehension (to remember what you've read faster and with easier recall), test-taking skills (how to prepare for tests and what to do during tests), and more. You'll use these skills in high school, college, and beyond. Be prepared for the future and do well in your coursework today when you take this course!


Course Outline:

Class 1: Active listening and how to take notes effectively

Class 2: Active reading and how to study effectively

Class 3: Critical reading skills for comprehension

Class 4: Test-taking in a timed setting


Course Materials: All materials are provided free within the course.

Homework: This is a lecture course with approximately 1.5 to 2 hours of work per class (reading and auto-graded quizzes).