In this course, students go deep into the Gospels and prayerfully discover God’s plan for their lives.

Total Classes: 12

Prerequisite: None.

Suggested Grade Level: 6th to 8th grade

Suggested Credit: 1 full semester Theology or Scripture

Instructor: Daniel Egan

Course Description: Focusing on the Gospels of Mark and John, we will take an in-depth look at the life of Christ. We will examine different prophecies that predicted His coming and why He had to come. We will see how Jesus' baptism is linked to His crucifixion and how that is linked to our own baptism. The temptation of Jesus will be examined as well as His parables. We will look at the following questions: What did Jesus teach about the end of the world? What is a Marcan sandwich? Why is John's Gospel so different? Why do Catholics read the Gospels so differently than “Bible-Christians”? Why if Jesus didn't rise from the dead, we are all in trouble ... and much, much more. You won't be disappointed.

Course Outline:

1. Introduction
2. Matthew Ch. 1 & 2; Luke Ch. 1 & 2
3. Matthew 4, 12, 23; Mark 1, 15; Luke 3-4, 23; John 1, 18 &19
4. Matthew 6-7, 12; Mark 2, 3; Luke 5, 6, 11; John 2, 3
5. Matthew 9, 28; Mark 14; John 2, 3, 6, 20
6. Parables in the Gospels
7. Matthew 11, 17; Mark 11; Luke 7, 8, 13, 17; John 9
8. Genesis 1-3; Matthew 25; Mark 2; Ephesians 6; John 2, 4, 19; Revelation 21, 22
9. Matthew 26, 27; Mark 13; Luke 20, 21, 22; John 13-17
10. Matthew 26-27; Mark 14, 15; Luke 22, 23; John 18, 19
11. The Resurrection accounts
12. Matthew 24, 1; Thessalonians 4, 2; Thessalonians 2; Revelation 21,22
13. Final Review

Course Materials: A Catholic Bible preferable RSV-CE (Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition) or New American Bible

Homework: Read the readings, but spread them out through the week. Tell others what you are learning. Do the quiz before the next class.