Your student will be guided through the time-tested Baltimore Catechism Q & A with a practical, clear format,  giving your child a solid grounding in (and deep understanding of) the Catholic faith.

Special Notes: This is Part Two of a two-part course. 

Total Classes: 13

Prerequisite: Basic Catechism

Suggested Grade Level: 6th to 8th grade

Suggested Credit: One full semester Catechism, Religion, or Theology

Instructor: Daniel Egan

Course Description: The main goal of the course is to gain mastery over the content of the Baltimore Catechism as presented therein that students might KNOW God. Each class will also try to show how the lesson of the week is reasonable and beautiful so that students will grow in LOVE for God. Finally, I hope to present how this most lovable faith can be lived out in a practical way so the students may begin (or continue) to SERVE God and put into practice what we have learned.

NOTE: The structure that we will follow will be that found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Baltimore Catechism says – Creed, Commandments, Sacraments, Prayer. The Catechism of the Catholic Church presents it as Creed, Sacraments, Commandments, Prayer.

Course Outline:

Class 1 – Our Daily Bread: Lesson 29: Penance, and Lesson 30: Contrition
Class 2 – Treason and the Kingdom Part 1: Lesson 31: Confession, and Lesson 32: How to Make a Good Confession
Class 3 – Treason and the Kingdom Part 1: Lesson 33: Temporal Punishment and Indulgences
Class 4 - Treason and the Kingdom Part 2: Lesson 34: Extreme Unction and Holy Orders, and Lesson 35: Matrimony
Class 5 – Expanding the Kingdom: Lesson 37: Prayer, Lesson 38: The Our Father, and Lesson 36: The Sacramentals
Class 6 – Laws Concerning the King Part 1: Lesson 15: The Two Great Commandments
Class 7 - Laws Concerning the King Part 2: Lesson 16: The First Commandment of God, and Lesson 17: Honoring the Saints, Relics and Images
Class 8 – Laws Concerning the King Part 3: Lesson 18: The Second and Third Commandments of God
Class 9 - Laws Concerning the Subjects of the King Part 1: Lesson 19: The Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Commandments of God
Class 10 - Laws Concerning the Subjects of the King Part 2: Lesson 20: The Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, and Tenth Commandments of God
Class 11 – Laws Concerning the Subjects of the King Part 3: Lesson 21: The Commandments of the Church; The First and Second Commandments
Class 12 – The Divine Armory: Lesson 22: The Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Commandments of the Church
Class 13 – Speaking with the King: Appendix: Why I am a Catholic

Course materials: The New Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism (No. 2) Paperback – July 1, 1999, ISBN #978-0899422428 ( or

Homework: Homework will include: Daily reading for 10-15 minutes, weekly faith practicum, copying questions from the textbook into a notebook, and online quizzes.