Continue expanding your foreign language skills with Spanish II – for a second year of Spanish that completes a high school language requirement and gives you usable skills in Spanish.

How to get the most out of Spanish II, Part One with Irma Luz M. Schmitt:

  • First review the introductory materials listed below.
  • For each week you will work in all the assignments first and then you will attend and participate in the live class.
  • Every week your assignments will be:
    • Conjugation of a special verb, grammar class video, grammar homework, speaking exercises, and memorization exercises.
  • Some weeks will also have:
    • Workbook pages, pronunciation class video, and reading/listening practice as well. 
  • And remember, for each week the materials will be listed in the order they should be completed.
  • When you watch the grammar videos, take notes, and study them. Also, have a notebook ready for the live class.
  • A recording of the live class will be posted on Moodle within 24 hours after the class ends. Watch the recording if you need to revisit information from the live session or  If you missed the live class.
  • The final thing is to practice, practice, practice!
  • Once the course is completed, there is a Certificate of Completion at the end to be filled in for your records.


Total Classes: 12 (plus 12 recorded lectures)

Duration: 55 minutes

Prerequisite: Spanish I or equivalent

Suggested Grade Level: 8th to 12th grade

Suggested High School Credit: One full semester Foreign Language or Spanish

Instructor: Irma Luz M. Schmitt, M.A.

Instructor Email:

Course Description: In this Intermediate Level Spanish course, students will delve deeper into Spanish grammar and learn vocabulary terms and grammar structures that help them build fluency.
Part One of the course teaches students how to use direct object pronouns, indirect object pronouns, commands and future tense conjugation of verbs. By the end of the semester, the students will be able to manage simple conversations in present tense and talk about events in the future.

Course Outline:

  • Week 1: Direct Object Pronouns and Personal A

  • Week 2: Present Progressive and Verbs followed by Infinitives Review

  • Week 3: IOP and Prepositional Pronouns
  • Week 4: Double Pronouns

  • Week 5: Reflexive Verbs

  • Week 6: Reciprocal Actions

  • Week 7: Change in States

  • Week 8: Verb Gustar and Similar Verbs

  • Week 9:  Tu Commands Regular and Irregular Forms

  • Week 10: Negative Tu Commands

  • Week 11: Ud. and Uds. Commands

  • Week 12: General Review

Course Materials: Exercises will be provided by the teacher

 Homework: During the week prior to each class, students are required to watch a video of Spanish grammar and complete an online quiz.  They will also learn a new prayer in Spanish each semester among other assignments posted on Moodle.

During the live class, students will interact with the teacher and each other to practice what they learned in the video and have the opportunity to ask questions.
Students should assign at least one hour every day to practice Spanish.