To understand contemporary Japan, we need to first go back in time. Register for this world history course to learn the historical development of Japan, including its interactions with other nations, its culture, politics, religious implications, and more.

How to get the most out of History of Japan with Phillip Campbell:

  • First, read the course details below.
  • Make sure you have the course materials.
  • Prepare a notebook for notetaking and homework.
  • Watch the class recording.
  • Complete the quizzes each class (quizzes are auto-graded by Moodle)
  • If you need to review, go back and watch the recording again and/or go over the PowerPoint.
  • Repeat until all 12 classes are complete.
  • Once the course is completed to the parent's satisfaction, there is a Certificate of Completion at the end to be filled in for your records.
  • Homeschool Connections does not provide record keeping. Make sure to record your grade for your homeschool transcript.
  • If you need anything, email me at

Special Notes: All course materials provided free by the instructor.

Total number of classes: 12

Duration: 55 minutes per class

Prerequisite: None

Suggested grade level: 9th to 12th grade. No middle school students please.

Suggested credit: One full semester World History

Instructor: Phillip Campbell

Instructor Email:

Course description: “The History of Japan” will trace the development of the Japanese nation and culture from remote antiquity to the modern age. Students will learn about the cultural and political development of the Japanese nation, as well as notable persons, battles, and events that were instrumental to the formation of Japan.

Course outline:

Class 1: Ancient Japan
Class 2: The Asuka Period
Class 3: The Nara Period
Class 4: The Heian Period
Class 5: The Kamakura Period
Class 6: The Muromachi Period
Class 7: Nobunaga & Hideyoshi
Class 8: The Age of Edo
Class 9: The Meiji Restoration
Class 10: The Taisho Period
Class 11: The Showa Period
Class 12: Heisei & Reiwa

Course materials: All course materials provided free by the instructor as PDF files via Moodle.

Homework: Homework will consist of class readings and auto-graded quizzes available on Moodle. Estimated time after each class recording is 1.5 hours.