Learn how to reason and understand Thomistic philosophy in this relatable course that simplifies the complex for your student. Learn how to think intelligently about God and the world He made -- and how to exercise reason in its highest form. Get easy-to-understand philosophy at its very best.

How to get the most out of An Introduction to The Summa Theologica by St. Thomas Aquinas, Part One with Dave Palmer:

  • First, come to class prepared by reading the assignment that will be posted before each class labeled 'Class Reading assignment.'

  • Have a pad of paper or note book (and pen) ready so you can take notes during each class. 

  • After each class you'll be given a quiz and assignment so be sure to complete each of these before the next class. 

Special Notes: This is Part One of a 2-part course. 

Total Classes: 12

Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes (75 minutes)

Prerequisite: None

Suggested Grade Level: 9th to 12th grade. Mature middle school students are welcome.

Suggested Credit: 1 full semester Philosophy or Theology

Instructor: Dave Palmer, MTS

Instructor Email: davepalmer@grnonline.com

Course Description: Every Christian should be grounded in an understanding of solid principles of Christian philosophy and Dave Palmer believes the younger a person learns them, the better he or she will be equipped to live an authentically Christian life in the midst of our challenging culture.  The Catholic Church’s understanding of philosophy is based on the teachings of St. Thomas Aquinas and his classic, The Summa Theologica. This class is designed to provide students with an overview of the main themes and teachings of The Summa Theologica over the course of two semesters.  The focus of the class is on Thomas’ teaching on the end and purpose of the human person, which is to spend eternity with God and how one best accomplishes this goal through a life of virtue, holiness, and awareness of the presence of God in our everyday experiences.

Course Outline:

Class 1- Introduction… Why study The Summa Theologica?

Class 2- Can We Be Certain That God Exists?  

Class 3- So What is God?

Class 4- What Can I Know About God?

Class 5- What Does God Do?

Class 6- Which of these are Persons: Angels, Your pet Dog and You?

Class 7- What’s the Big Deal about Being a Human Being?

Class 8- Can We Really Say that Actions are Good or Bad?

Class 9- The Will and The Passions

Class 10- Good and Bad Habits

Class 11- What’s Law Got to Do with It?

Class 12- Amazing Grace!

Course Materials: The Summa by St. Thomas Aquinas, which can be found free online.

Homework: Will consist of taking a weekly quiz and answering short essay questions based on class material each week. Other assignments will involve connecting what is being learned to issues in the news of the day. Estimated two hours spent on reading and assignments outside of the classroom.