An introduction to the great myths of the ancient world for Middle School students, focusing on how great myths can become great literature. Exciting, fun and educational! 

Total classes: 6

Duration: 45 minutes per class

Prerequisite: None

Suggested grade level: 6th to 8th grade

Suggested high school credit: ½ semester Literature or English

Instructor: Kevin O’Brien

Instructor Email:

Course Description: What is myth and how does it relate to storytelling in general and to our Catholic Faith in particular? How have the great myths of the world’s cultures been adapted into novels and plays? What are the essential elements of myth that speak to the human condition? Using J.R.R. Tolkien’s insights into mythology as an interpretive guide, we will examine these and other questions, focusing on the connection between mythology and great literature. And we will get to try our own hand at turning myth into literature. Our Final Project will be a short creative story or play each student will write, based on his or her favorite myth!

Course Outline:

  1. Class 1 -- Introduction and Overview: Creation Myths

  2. Class 2 -- The Minotaur

  3. Class 3 -- Troy in Myth and Literature

  4. Class 4 -- Mythology and the Middle Ages: Knights and Dragons and Sagas

  5. Class 5 -- Modern Literature and Myth: Pygmalion from the Greeks to Shaw to My Fair Lady

  6. Class 6 Final Project Highlights and Review

Course Materials: Various myths and selections from stories based on myths, provided free PDF files by the instructor. Students will be asked to watch the musical My Fair Lady, which is based on the myth of Pygmalion, and which is available for streaming on most services for around $3.00.

Homework: There will be reading assignments and creative final project. Expect about two hours of prep (on average) for each class.