Do you want (need!) to learn how to read literature more easily–and then be able to write about it well? With this course, you’ll be able to give “life” and clearer meaning to literature as you engage with great authors, explore literary genres and devices, and learn critical thinking that helps in reading comprehension! If you want to increase your ability to engage more easily with the written word (and write well), then this course is for you!

How to get the most out of Introduction to Literature:

  • First, read the course details below.

  • Prepare a notebook for note taking and homework.

  • Students begin the course by clicking on the "Recording" and watching the lecture for Class One.

  • Complete the reading and/or homework for each module.

  • If you need review, go back and watch the recording again and/or go over the PowerPoint.

  • Repeat until all classes are complete.

  • Once the course is completed to the parent's satisfaction, there is a Certificate of Completion at the end to be filled in for your records.

Special Notes: Course materials provided free. 

Total classes: 12

Duration: 45 to 50 minutes per class

Prerequisite: Students with a solid middle school reading level will have success with the readings in this course. MS 6/7 Series recommended.

Suggested grade levels: 6th to 8th grade

Suggested credit: One full semester credit Writing or Literary Analysis

Instructor: Geralyn Rea, ME
Instructor Email:

Course description: Studying and writing about literature is a part of school success -- and middle school is the time to start! In this course, students will learn how we read, interpret, and write about literature -- gaining a strong foundation for literature and writing courses for high school, college, and beyond. This course introduces students to the beauty and importance of the world of literature – and builds the skills to write with understanding about the basic literary genres. You’ll also learn how to analyze and write about the elements of plot, setting, characterization, point of view, metaphor, irony, and symbolism – examining why authors write their stories and make writing choices as they do. Most importantly, you’ll learn how to write an analysis using key literary works such as The Gift of the Magi and chapters from C.S. Lewis, Robert Louis Stevenson, and more! With this course, students will write each week and gain the tools necessary for literary analysis in future academic courses. This course is Part One of a two-part series; take both courses for a full year’s credit of literature and writing!

Course outline: 

Class 1: What is literature and why do we study literature?

Class 2: How is literature grouped and organized?

Class 3: Genres of literature

Class 4: Types of literature

Class 5: Types of literature (and how to recognize them)

Class 6: How is literature used in academics and real life? Why is it important to read and study stories?

Class 7: What is literary analysis and why do we do it?

Class 8: Basic concepts of literary analysis

Class 9: Practicing literary analysis

Class 10: Using analysis tools in famous literary works

Class 11: Practicing literary analysis

Class 12: Using additional analysis tools in famous literary works

Course materials: All reading materials are provided free by the instructor. Microsoft Word or the ability to convert a document to a Word-compatible document. If you do not own Microsoft Word, you can use a system such as Google Docs that converts to Word documents FREE.

Homework: Between classes each module, students have a reading and writing assignment (a paragraph to page-long assignments), with analysis questions to answer. Depending on the student's reading level, families can expect approximately one to two hours of homework/preparation for the next class.  There are Rubrics for Parents to help them grade the assignments.