Yes, Science is fun! This high-interest zoology course for middle school students is sure to get your student excited about science and looking forward to the next school year.



Total classes: 8

Duration: 45 minutes per class

Prerequisite: None 

Suggested grade level: 6th to 8th grade

Suggested credit: ½ semester Entomology or Science

Instructor: Christine Hamilton, Ph.D.

Instructor Email:

Course description: A fun and lighthearted study of the insect world. We will learn about insect types, habitats, sounds, and some yummy recipes (really!). Pests, workers, artists—the intrepid insects of the world fascinate, annoy, and benefit humankind. From butterflies to bees to the lowly cockroach, insects are an integral part of the natural environment, making their mark on culture through rhyme and lore. What causes fireflies to blink? Did you ever wonder about the origin of "Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite"? Let's delve into the insect world and see what we can learn.

Course outline: 

Day 1: Fastest

Day 2: Largest

Day 3: Longest

Day 4: Most Numerous

Day 5: Most Spectacular

Day 6: Smallest

Day 7: Misc. (Bioluminescence, loudest, most toxic)

Day 8: Recipes (crunchy, chewy)

Course materials: Everything will be provided FREE by the instructor. Optional Further Reading:  Ultimate Bugopedia: The Most Complete Bug Reference Ever (National Geographic Kids) National Geographic Kids, Murawski, Darlyne, Honovich, Nancy, National Geographic Children's Books, ISBN 978-1426313769 (

Homework Research an insect of your choice for a report during class. “What’s Outside My Window?” Pick a window in your house that gets sunlight and watch the activity outside!  There could be ants, a preying mantis, dragonfly, ladybug, common housefly, beetles, etc.  Choose a bug and write 3 paragraphs about it.  What is it doing?  Where does it normally live?  What does it eat?  What colors are they? How big do they get?  Are they common in other parts of the country/world?  Do they do anything unusual?  The report will be given orally during the last 2 classes. Recorded students may give their report to a parent or tutor.