Instructor Access (optional grading support) for Unlimited Access families is available for this course!

Course description: The existence of angels is a topic that intrigues many people. Who are the angels? What makes them different from human beings? What does the Church say about their existence, nature, and activity? What about bad angels? Are they real? This course will explore the Church’s teaching on angels based on Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition. It will seek to separate the truth from the many myths and misconceptions that abound.

In addition to understanding the Church’s teachings on the angels, each class will examine how specific teaching of the class is expressed in the Liturgical and Devotional Life of the Church (feast days, prayers, devotions) and also in the Sacred Arts of the Church (paintings, sculpture, statuary, architecture, and music).

Total class meetings: 6

Duration: 55 minutes 

Prerequisite: None

Suggested grade level: 9th to 12th grade

Suggested credit: ½ semester Theology

Instructor:  Debbie Gaudino, MA

Instructor Email: 


Course description: The existence of angels is a topic that intrigues many people. Who are the angels? What makes them different from human beings? What does the Church say about their existence, nature, and activity? What about bad angels? Are they real? This course will explore the Church’s teaching on angels based on Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition. It will seek to separate the truth from the many myths and misconceptions that abound.

In addition to understanding the Church’s teachings on the angels, each class will examine how specific teaching of the class is expressed in the Liturgical and Devotional Life of the Church (feast days, prayers, devotions) and also in the Sacred Arts of the Church (paintings, sculpture, statuary, architecture, and music).

Course outline:

Day One: What are angels? How do they differ from human beings? What are they able to do and not do?

Day Two: What do the names of the angels mean?

Day Three: What are the nine choirs of angels? What are the roles particular to each choir?

Day Four: Who are the three archangels?  Where do we meet them in Sacred Scripture? What about the fallen angels?

Day Five: Who are the Guardian Angels? What relationship should we have with our Guardian Angel?

Day Six: What are angelophanies? To which saints have angels appeared? What can we learn about them through these appearances?

Course materials: The Angels: In Catholic Teaching and Tradition by Rev. Pascal P. Parente IBSN: 978-0-89555-515-1 (​​

Homework and Grading: Approximately 20-30 pages of reading per night from Fr. Parente’s book with a short quiz after Days 1 through 5 based on the reading material and class lectures.  A one- to two-page paper will be due on the last day of classes. Students will have a choice from five essay prompts for the paper. The grade breakdown for this course will be: Quizzes: 60%, In-Class Participation: 20%, Final Paper: 20%