Instructor Access (optional grading support) for Unlimited Access families is available for this course!

Your college-bound student will continue to enjoy discovering God's creation at the atomic level in this rigorous Chemistry course -- where you’ll learn Nuclear Chemistry, Chemical Reactions, Stoichiometry, States of Matter, Thermochemistry, and more! 

How to get the most out of Chemistry, Part One with Mrs. Kathy Dutton:

  • First, read the course materials below before starting this class.
  • Bring to every recorded class: a notebook (to take notes), something to write with, a calculator, your textbook, and the willingness to learn.
  • Stay on schedule with all assignments, quizzes, and tests. Attempt the extra credit.
  • Once the course is completed to the parent's satisfaction, there is a Certificate of Completion at the end to be filled in for your records.

Total Classes: 34

Duration75 minutes (1 hour, 15 minutes)

Prerequisite: Chemistry, Part One with Mrs. Dutton

Suggested Grade Level: 11th to 12th grade or advanced 10th grade

Suggested Credit: One full semester of Chemistry or one full semester of Chemistry with LAB

Instructor: Mrs. Kathy Dutton



  • Moodle will auto-grade almost all of the homework, all quizzes, and the online portion of the test.
  • Each semester there are 2-3 short homework assignments and the Free Response sections of Tests (and/or the accompanying Cheat Sheet) that need to be manually graded.
  • All labs (except for the Lab Safety Quiz which is auto-graded in Moodle) need to be manually graded.

 Parent Grading

    • The answer key for this course is below in a password-protected document. Parents should have been emailed this password as part of their enrollment.
    • I suggest that you attempt parent grading.  All the keys are detailed.
    • Test grading is easy; Labs are a bit more involved (as correct values can vary) but they are doable.

 Instructor Grading

    • Valid for 6 mo. from the date of purchase. I highly suggest that you wait to purchase grading until your student is about ready to complete the first assignment that requires grading.
    • Test Grading
      • Included grading the Free Response sections of tests and all homework that needs to be manually graded (assignments not completed online in Moodle)
      • Grading includes comments and constructive feedback
      • $40 per semester, per student
    • Lab Grading
      • Included grading all lab worksheets
      • Grading includes comments and constructive feedback
      • 1st semester (4 labs) - $70, per student
      • 2nd semester (7 labs) - $120, per student
    • This does not include tutoring
    • This does not include the grading of the Read & Respond extra credit.
  • HSC Chemistry - grading per student


Course Description: We will be studying God's creation at the atomic level and discovering how marvelous it is. This is a rigorous, college-prep Chemistry course. Over both semesters, we will cover a wide range of topics, including Structure of Matter, States of Matter, Chemical Reactions, Stoichiometry, Equilibrium, and Thermochemistry. We will also consider how Chemistry is essential in our day-to-day life.

There will be three tracks through this class:

  1. Chemistry – This is the classic college preparatory Chemistry course that fits most students’ needs. 
  2. Honors Chemistry – Students may earn extra credit by completing challenging assignments and earn the distinction of Honors Chemistry. This is designed for academically gifted students and for those who have a desire to complete more rigorous work. The extra credit is available to all students even if they are not attempting Honors Chemistry.
  3. General Chemistry – This option is a less-intense track; the math is a bit easier, a few topics are skipped, and the required assignments are easier. This is designed for students who struggle or those with limited time or desire.

Course Outline:

  • Topic 1:  Matter and Change (Element and Compounds, Mixtures, Chemical Reactions)
  • Topic 2:  Scientific Measurement (Accuracy and Precision, Metric System, Density)
  • Topic 3:  Atomic Structure (History of Atomic Thought, Models of the Atom, Electrons in the Atom)
  • Topic 4:  Periodic Table (Organization, Classification of Elements, Periodic Trends)
  • Topic 5:  Forming Compounds: Bonding (Ionic Bonding, Metallic Bonding, Covalent Bonding, Intermolecular Forces)
  • Topic 6:  Chemical Names and Formulas (Ions and Ionic Compounds, Molecular Compounds, Acids and Bases, The Laws Governing Formulas and Names)

Course Materials and Technology:

Time Requirement: Assignments include reading and a quiz with each chapter, unit tests, and a final exam. Most students will complete the weekly assignments in about 4 hours; some students need more time. Most assignments are completed online; some assignments will need to be hand-written and manually graded


CHEMISTRY LAB (only required for those who are completing the Lab portion)

Course Materials and Technology for LAB

Time RequirementThere will be about five labs spread over the semester each lab (including the lab report) should take about 3 hours to complete some will take more and others will take less time.