Instructor: Gary Michuta

Course Description: Over the course of the school year, we will analyze the 72 books of the Bible through careful reading and in-depth study together. The reading is academically rigorous and challenging. Through this challenge, students will come to understand and appreciate the beauty and depth found in Scripture. We will explore how we come to know Christ through the Old Testament as well as the New Testament. 

Course Outline:

Class #1 - Introduction, Oral Gospel , etc..

Class #2 - Matthew / Mark

Class #3 - Luke / John

Class #4 - Acts

Class #5 - Introduction to Paul's Epistles

Class #6 - Introduction to Paul's Epistles (con't)

Class #7 - 1st and 2nd Thes., Galatians, 1-2 Corinthians

Class #8 - Romans / Epistles of Captivity

Class #9 - Pastoral Epistles

Class #10 - Hebrews

Class #11 - Catholic Epistles

Class #12 - The Apocalypse

Course Materials: 

A Catholic Bible. Introduction to the Bible by Father John Laux, ISBN-10: 0895553961 or ISBN-13: 978-0895553966 (

Weekly worksheets provided free by the instructor.

Optional: A prayer journal.


Homework: Daily reading. Completing a Lectio Divina worksheet each week. Weekly automated quizzes and a final. Expect to spend approximately three to five hours a week on homework.