Learn the cultural impact of Freudian, Jungian, and other modern psychological theories; psychometrics; and recent Catholic psychology from a theological perspective.

How to get the most out of Modern Psychology with Julian Ahlquist:

  • Watch the Class Recordings posted for each week with a notebook, ready to take notes, and use the PDF "Presentations" associated with them to help study for the periodic quizzes and exams.
  • Do any quizzes or assignments posted each week. Each quiz/exam will have a brief description which provides some hints about what material will be covered on them.
  • The paper can be graded largely on the basis of grammar, minimum word count requirement, etc., but also with an eye to the apparent thoughtful depth the student puts into it. (grading rubric provided)
  • Once the course is completed to the parent's satisfaction, there is a Certificate of Completion at the end to be filled in for your records.

Total Classes: 24

Prerequisite: Introduction to Psychology

Suggested Grade Level: 11th to 12th grade

Suggested Credit: 1 full semester Psychology or Philosophy

Instructor: Julian Ahlquist

Instructor Email: julian.ahlquist@gmail.com

Course description: This course examines important psychological theories from various influential modern psychologists. As before, topics will be looked at from a fairly philosophical and theological perspective. Not only will various psychological systems within the Catholic tradition be studied and discussed, we will also be taking a critical look at some problematic psychological systems that have had a significant cultural impact on society.

         Parents should note that mature themes will be touched on in one or two classes when we discuss Sigmund Freud’s highly influential, yet discredited, theory of psychosexual development.

Weekly Outline

Week 1 through 3 - Early Modern Psychology

Week 4 through 5 - Freudian Psychology

Week 6 - Adlerian Psychology

Week 7 through 8 - Jungian Psychology

Week 9 - Psychometrics

Week 10 through 11 - Modern Catholic Psychology

Week 12 - Miscellaneous Psychology

Course materials: All materials provided FREE by the instructor as downloadable PDF files.

Homework: Homework will involve periodic automated quizzes involving fill-in-the-blank and short essay questions, a comprehensive exam, occasional readings, and an optional research paper. Expect to spend 1 to 2 hours per week outside of the classroom on homework.