What is leadership and interpersonal communication, and how does it apply to me?” Leadership and interpersonal communication has been said to hold some of the most important skills for success in school, work, and life! Learn about emotional intelligence, how to manage conflict well, how to listen actively for the best understanding and connection, what your body language is saying, and more!
leadershipinterpersonal communication

Instructor Access (optional grading support) for Unlimited Access families is available for this course!

How to get the most out of Leadership and Interpersonal Communication.

  • Read: Read all of the information here; Recorded Course students, please skim the course in its entirety before you begin.
  •  Recording: Always begin each lesson with the class instruction/lesson.
    -- Recorded course students: Click on "Recording" and watch the lecture for Class One.
    -- LIVE course students: Attend class before attempting any of the coursework for the week.
  • Note Taking: Prepare a notebook and take complete notes while attending class/watching the recording.
  • Weekly Readings: After the video, check for any readings (documents/downloads or online readings). Always read the week's materials before starting the week's assignment.
  • Assignments: Complete the homework in the order that it is listed on the page. 
    -- Unlimited Access students: Give your assignment to your parent for grading.
    -- Instructor Access students: Email your assignment to your instructor.
    -- LIVE course students: Submit/upload your completed assignment in the Moodle system as instructed on the weekly assignment, below.
  • Grading: 
    -- LIVE courses and Instructor Access Grading: Assignments will be graded and returned within one week from the assignment's due date. 
    -- Unlimited Access students: If you'd like personal help with this course, click and get the Instructor Access for one-on-one mentoring, feedback, and grading. 
  • Review: If you are confused at any time, re-watch parts of the recording for clarity. The PowerPoint is also available for you. 
  • Continue: Repeat each weekly process until all classes are completed.
  • Time Frame: All assignments are to be completed before the next class unless noted.
    -- Unlimited Access students: You may work at your own pace. Students are encouraged to complete a minimum of one lesson per week. 
    -- Instructor Access students: You may move faster through the coursework; however, you are asked to complete a minimum of one lesson per week.
    -- LIVE course students: Turn in assignments before the LIVE class.
  • Finishing: Once the course is completed to the parent's satisfaction, there is a Certificate of Completion at the end of the course. Fill in the document for your records. You may also copy and paste the descriptive content of the course (located at the top section of the page). Make sure to record your grades; HSC does not provide record keeping.

Total classes: 6
Duration: 55 minutes

Prerequisite: None
Suggested grade level: 9th to 12th
High school credit: ½ semester Communications or Life Skills

Instructor: Erin M. Brown, MA, MFA
Instructor Email: ebconroy@homeschoolconnections.com

Course description: This course teaches foundational and critical leadership and communication skills, including self-management practices for becoming a person of positive influence.

Course outline:

Class 1: The Skills of Leadership: What it takes to be a leader, servant leadership, and transformational leadership
Class 2: Emotional Intelligence and Leadership
Class 3: Conflict Management and Leadership
Class 4: Active Listening, Empathy, and Wise Decision Making for Leadership
Class 5: Personal Speaking Skills: Voice, body language, and connecting with your listener
Class 6: Faith-filled Leadership: The actions of leadership

Course materials: All course materials are provided FREE online from the instructor. Students must use Microsoft Word to upload any documents.

Homework: Expect approximately two to four hours of homework per class, depending upon your student’s skill level and goals. Activities include reading assignments, short writing assignments, and automated quizzes.